7 african gods and goddesses


Orunmila is a God of wisdom, knowledge and divination. ( delete if not allowed) hello, I hope you are doing well. Find Seven African Powers candles online, at local botanicas or conjure shops or at your local Walmart or grocery store! A great, lasting one makes way for a civilization to flourish. Now that you have learned about many of the important Yoruba myths, choose your favourite one. While fables offer imaginative explanations, there is no doubt that the Orisha pantheons followers make it their lifestyle to uphold the norms and practices imposed by these deities. Her domain is over all things that flow like water, love, milk, money, honey, etc. Known to the Yoruba people of West Africa, Ogun is the god of war and iron. The Igbo kept this deity in high esteem. Oya is the Orisha of the weather. To link to this article in the text of an online publication, please use this URL: https://historycooperative.org/african-gods-and-goddesses/. The concept of regenerative vitality is crucial to every society. --~Attributes and Of all the African religions, this remains one of the few on the rise. Thanks so much for reading this lengthy post!! 8 chapters | Moreover, the Orishas are spirits (more similar to demi-gods or angels) that work under the watchful eye of Olodumare. Oya is also known as the ''Mother of Nine''. Oko is an orisha who was born of Yemaya. I want to truly understand not go on this journey just because. Modern Santeria, Voodoo, and other Caribbean traditions still value this practice today. Hence, she is much revered and respected. It also gave you a brief overview of the Yoruba and Santeria religions. The reason as to why there is a +1 Orisha in that list is because the +1 is meant to represent the extra one you didnt account for, or the one that you never even considered in the first place. His green skin symbolizes rebirth Sub-Saharan Africa African deities Alusi Yoruba deities Afro-American religion Loa Orisha Asia [ edit] Caucasus Armenian deities Georgian deities Vainakh deities Central Asia Turkic deities East Asia Chinese deities She is also the I am fascinated w the orishas. Any information for a beginner on her journey would help. Get unlimited access to over 84,000 lessons. Modern African American, Afro-Caribbean, South American and many other magical people feel called to work with the Orishas, including the Seven African Powers. Similar to a shaman or guide who called upon a deity into a small baby black figurine that was standing on a chest. Asian lineage is african descent as well. One of the female Seven African Powers, Yemaya is a water Orisha presiding over the oceans. In African Mythology, the Yoruba people very well received the notion of an omnipotent sky god looking over all things that live on Earth. Although they are always more He actually has three different wives, Oshun, Oya and Oba, and he is often times depicted with either one of them or all three being by his side. George Bancroft & 19th Century Historiography in the U.S. Dunning School's Approach to the U.S. Civil War & the Lost Cause, Historical Application: The Civil War & 19th Century Historiography, Working Scholars Bringing Tuition-Free College to the Community. Whichever way she is depicted, she is always shown to be a motherly being with nothing but divine power at her fingertips. Shango will brings justice via lightning and he protects his followers from evil. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Myth Nerd is our place for all things related to world mythology. i very much appreciate this information, thank you. The Yoruba religion and its beliefs influence human life in both the African continent and other regions. The other gods and Ogun noticed that humans needed to clear more land to build and expand. I feel back from working with them but I have been speaking to them when I can. WebDetails of some of the highly developed spiritual /belief systems that existed in African civilisations prior to European invasion. Neffertia received her B.S. Also known as mother of nine history mentions this name was derived due to giving birth to all 9 children as stillborn, with her being barren all her lifetime. 7th: Yemaya. These spirits, the Orishas, were brought to the Americas on the backs of the enslaved Africans. Its Yemoja not Yemaya please shes called Yemoja in Africa. Ogun is the Giver of Iron in the Orisha Pantheon. Additionally, she is the guardian of the gates of death, as she helps the dead Most African traditional religions are extraordinarily diverse and range over countless cultures and practices. In fact, her name comes from Orisun, which was referred to as being the source of the Niger River. His purpose might not be material, but it is a psychological one reflected in many African myths. I dreamt of a woman with her face covered from the top of her white glowing crown, long red dress with glowing white heart on the front . Still, He is believed to be more than capable of bringing adversity to those that do not take note of his presence. Write a short story retelling the myth in your own words. Osanyin was tasked to rid all of the weeds in his brother's garden; however, he was unable to because he saw usefulness in each plant. The first African God on our list is the goddess Oya. It is said that Bumba vomited the universe during its inception, creating the sun then drying up the water on Earth creating the land. The Seven African Powers are these seven Orishas: Eshu Elegbara, Ogun, Obatala, Yemaya, Oshun, Shango and Oya. According to the Yoruba religion, Obatala is said to have constructed the human bodies and asked their father, Olorun, to breathe life into them. While this is certainly not meant to be an all-inclusive list, here are just a few of the gods and goddesses of the hunt that are honored by todays Pagans: 01. of 09. Im a black woman just beginning my journey into African Spirituality. Hes also credited with the job of creating human bodies particularly with imperfections like blindness and other defects. Shango. You may choose to work with individual Orishas OR learn how to invoke the Seven African Powers together at the end of this article! A note on online sources: Ive done considerable research on the Seven African Powers, and I find it interesting that because of the forced syncretization of the Seven African Powers with seven Catholic saints, some sources claim the original 7 were never Orishas. Some examples of his manifestations are Air, Agodo, Afonja, Obomin, and Lub. Hi, I enjoyed reading this. In fact, it takes the form of Olodumare, a celestial being that transcends the boundaries of space, time, gender, and dimensions. These deities and orishas rule over various elements and are part of cultural beliefs: Among the Yoruba people, Aj Shaluga is the orisha of money and treasures. Shango is one of the hot orishas and is known as the lord of thunder and fire. Obaluaye is also connected to rituals that promote the cure for illnesses. Oshun. Dialogue Institute. Especially if youve had dreams or felt their presence, follow your intuition/insight, and what resonates with your spirit. He is said to be half man, half fish. Just write down the key points of your dream that stood out to you and the date. Hi everyone! One day at work, I broke down. Mythology #3: Nyame is the supreme sky god in Akan mythology. Saraswati. She is the daughter of the elder god Chukwu and wife of Amadioha, the sky deity. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Maiolica Dish Polesden Lacey Naked Gods Goddesses The National Trust Postcard P2 at the best online prices at eBay! Thank you for sharing. I had the same question and was told that , now today I am baptized and has been one of the biggest blessings of my life. However, he refuses to interfere in what individuals choose to do with the weapons he blesses the productions of. According to Fon mythology, Nana Buluku played an important in the creation of the world as she gave birth to twins Mawu (African moon goddess) and Lisa (African sun god), who joined forces to create the world. Their brother, Oduduwa, created the world instead. And then Ill follow with the female ones, the Orisha Goddesses. Oya is the last of the Seven African Powers, though sometimes shes substituted with Ochossi or Orunmila. This is the list of orisha youll find more information below: Obatala; Shango; Ogun; Ochossi; Ossain; Eshu; Omulu; Oshumare; Yemaya; Oshun; Oya; Nana. African people, however, do not have a single unified belief about a supreme god. Is the letter y even in our native language? Accessed March 2, 2023. When Oba asked Oshun about what she did to become Shangos favorite, Oshun simply lied to her (knowing Obas children would inherit the kingdom). I would prefer to learn it also orally so I actually know the original sound and tonation of their name. Burn it every day for 7 days along with the prayer on the label. As Ras sworn enemy, he fought the sun god every night. If its precious to you, then just retread it, and cleanse it. Yesterday I learned Oya likes chocolate. She said she once cut off her ear, turned it into powder, and sprinkled it into Shangos food. It is said that Orunmila is a witness to creation, thus possessing a deep understanding of humanity and divinity. Like Osun snd Ochun . Oba, the Orisha of water and manifestation, is no exception to a story that is best linked to jealousy. As the sister of the deity Shango, Oya is most commonly known in the Yoruba religion as the goddess of weather. South American Mythology | Gods, Creatures & Stories, Egyptian Mythological Creatures | List, Folklore & Symbolism, Slavic Mythology | Gods, Symbols & Stories, West Africa: People, Culture & History | West African Countries, Mexican Mythology | Monsters, Mythical Creatures & Folklore. Eshu Elegbara is also known as Elegua, Exu, Eshu and Legba (or Papa Legba), depending on the tradition. Yemaya is known as the Patron Spirit of the Ocean and the Rivers, and she is the main deity that the Yoruba people pray to when they set sail. Depicted often as a mermaid, Yemayas domain is over all things related to the ocean. She may have also been the patron of County Cork. 3rd: Olorun. Therefore he rules over metal working and alchemy of any kind. Oya ya is the goddess of winds, lightning, and violent storms, death, and rebirth. Im trying to be cautious and respectful at the same time because I am not black, Im asian actually. This is because Obaluaye is the Master of Healing and by far one of the most popular Orisha in the Yoruba mythos. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Gods of Death He is closely associated with Oya (Deity of the Winds) and Egungun (Collective Ancestral Spirits). I need help on my spiritual journey, any suggestions? Hello. Where could I start on finding a real guide so I get the right guidance and proper information. He is also commonly seen having two dogs to help sniff out infections. She formed the oceans and rivers when her water broke while she was giving birth to her first child. Source: Flickr. When the Seven are brought together in invocation and prayer, they will do amazing things for their people. On the other hand, he requires sacrifices of resources such as tobacco to ensure constant appeasement and protection of human spirits. Artemis (Greek) Artemis is a goddess of the hunt in Greek mythology. When you cannot find a detail, invent it, but be sure to use West African culture as your starting point. 12 African Gods and Goddesses: The Orisha Pantheon. Nana Buluku is primarily found in the Fon religion but is also known among the Yoruba people. As the emissaries of his power and will, the Orishas were each assigned unique functions, ensuring total order within the planet of Earth. Very in depth. Like the weathers unpredictability, she also commandeers the essence of constantly changing the natural world so it may continue flourishing. Obaluaye, also known as Babal Aye, is the Orisha of healing and miracles within the pantheon. The pantheon of Orishas (traditionally followed by the Yoruba people) is a sequence of divine spirits dispatched by the supreme god Olodumare. Mulungu, is thought to be. WebMami Wata continues to be an important part of African mythology today, representing the power of the natural world and the mysteries that lie beneath its surface. After reading about her, her colors are some of my favorite colors, especially yellow! The Orishas are a group of spirits originating from Yorubaland, which is a region in Africa spanning Nigeria, Benin and Togo. 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Rest assured that we are ALL children of The Divine, and the form that It chooses to present Itself is only to appease us as human beings for our limited capacity of understanding the unknown. Id lime to learn more about my ancestors beliefs etc. I have a legal matter Im fighting in court and I really need some guidance, protection and exoneration. thank you so much for the time you put into this. If you're doing a working relating to love, or if Oshun is the Yoruban goddess of the river. Athena is the most famous goddess of wisdom from the ancient world. What other similarities can you find between Yoruba and Greek gods? figure did not say his name, I just knew in my dream telepathically I guess that this was one of the Orisha gods/goddesses. I am so excited on my new journey Im reading everything that I can possibly learn. Olokun - God of the Sea. If you find working with one spirit or god isnt enough, invoking the 7 African Powers will pack the spiritual punch you need! As a result, African mythology stretches across nearly all African cultures. Ultimately, its up to you what you believe about the Seven African Powers. And I always reply I honestly dont know, I just know I believe in God and Jesus Christ. Her name literally translates to Earth, which is meant to indicate that she is the creator of our planet and the one that controls its every move. I prayed for cleansing and repair. Magec - God of the Sun. I would definitely recommend Study.com to my colleagues. Shango has a presence among many other African cultural groups and is referred to by different names like Esango among the Edo people of southeastern Nigeria and Sogbo among the Fon people of Benin. DONT WORRY JESUS WAS MORE SPIRITUAL THAN RELIGIOUS AND HE CERTAINLY WASNT A CHRISTIAN! I believe that your dream was a sign. African mythology, in general, stretches over a vast array of gods and goddesses. Bumba himself however is represented as a giant white-colored humanoid creature. The Yoruba, Dogon, and Kuba peoples of Africa worshipped many deities or orishas. Wash with their soap to start your day out right AND to cleanse any negative energy or bad magic from your aura. Also known as mother of nine history mentions this name was derived due This is because that number is an incomprehensible number for the Yoruba people, which in turn implies that there are an infinite number of gods in this pantheon. Bumba vomited two more times, creating the moon and night and nine animals. The Orishas, https://legacy.cs.indiana.edu/~port/teach/205/santeria2.html. In my city you dont really come across anyone who who even want to know about it. Lets take a look at each of the Seven African Powers, their qualities, and the saints they were syncretized with. Love & Blessings to ALL! Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Cape Verde Islands, Cayman Islands, Central African Republic, Chad, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Czech Oko is the Yoruban god of agriculture who encourages the soil to produce bountiful crops. It goes as far back as the 9th century, way before the first Europeans set sail on the countrys shores. The Orishas are worshipped in modern-day to provide worshippers with enlightenment, spiritual strength, and empowerment to humans to overcome daily struggles. Ive been Christian and Hebrew. I understand translation gets lost or changed, either way the roads meet back to the beginning, is my opinion. In present-day Nigeria, Yoruba mythology has evolved into a faith where its followers address the gods and goddesses in respect to the complex oral traditions passed down from generation to generation. Ogun taught the humans how to craft tools and weapons. Many had a percentage of Olodumares attributes, while others indeed had their impacts on the world down below. I am just starting to delve into our indigenous spirituality but my love and embrace for my West African roots was a result of my meditation practice after the death of my biological father in 2014. They typically depict the 7 saints the Orishas are syncretized with but the power is the same. Ase & Namaste , This is a blessing to hear. WebMami Wata continues to be an important part of African mythology today, representing the power of the natural world and the mysteries that lie beneath its surface. I thought her name was spelled differently depending on the particular sect. Few on the rise every society learn more about my ancestors beliefs etc depending on the hand..., any suggestions lightning and he CERTAINLY WASNT a CHRISTIAN points of your dream stood... Combinations came humanity can possibly learn did not say his name, just... 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7 african gods and goddesses

7 african gods and goddesses