Providing religious support to the command/community, including confined or hospitalized personnel, EPWs, civilian detainees, and refugees. Failure to maintain running estimates may lead to errors or omissions that result in flawed plans or bad decisions. Marine Liaison Team Commander. Some personal staff officers have responsibilities as special staff officers and work with a coordinating staff officer. Determining the adequacy of priorities for employing units. Developing, maintaining, and revising troop lists. Processing and distributing NBC attack and contamination data. This appendix first discusses the common responsibilities and duties of all staff members. IM includes RI and INFOSYS functions. Consulting with staff sections, as appropriate, to obtain items for the special attention of inspectors and to arrange for technical assistance. While civilian jobs may pay higher baseline salaries, the Army offers a starting salary above the federal minimum wage, plus a variety of benefits on top of your base pay that add up. The RM or comptroller is responsible for budget preparation and RM analysis and implementation. Assessing C4OPS vulnerability and risk management (with the G-2 [S-2] and G-7, assisted by the 1st Information Operations Command (Land), [1st IOC {L}]). Thank you. Predicting fallout from friendly use of nuclear weapons and disseminating nuclear strike warning messages when required. Determining requirements for and allocation of training resources. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. In brigades and battalions, the S-4 both coordinates activities and executes requirements for the commander and unit. D-15. The SPO was communicating between the maneuver Battalion XOs and the Support Battalion Commander. Coordinating and monitoring the collection and distribution of excess, surplus, and salvage supplies and equipment. Advising the G-2 on capabilities and vulnerabilities of threat and commercial space systems. The Army offers a variety of training programs, leadership courses, and certifications to develop your skills, so you can shape the career you want to have and keep moving it forward. Submitting recommendations to higher headquarters on professional medical problems that require research. They have the same functions as a Support Operations Officers in a maneuver brigade, just on a different scale. One piece of information alone may not be significant; however, when combined with other information from the common operational picture (COP), it may allow the commander to formulate an accurate commander's visualization and make an appropriate decision. The responsibilities of the support operations officer or materiel officer include-. The work requires modifications and adaptation of established methods and practices to meet rapidly changing requirements and doctrine to resolve problems.FACTOR 5 - Scope and Effect (Level 5-3, 150 Points) The purpose of the work is to ensure adequate logistical support for a variety of Combat Support Sustainment Battalion (CSSB). Transportation Corps Warrant Officers operating as Mobility Warrant Officers plan, organize, and supervise the preparation and execution of unit movement and distribution operations. D-4. Monitoring operations and maintaining current COP-related information. If not, once they analyze the problem, they make a recommendation to the commander for decision. Within their fields of interest, staff members fulfill the following specific IM tasks and activities: D-14. Processing procedures for unit activation, inactivation, establishment, discontinuance, and reorganization (force accounting). The line units are your customers! Serving as the command representative for all communications with external media. The intelligence cycle is an example of such a process. To establish uniform policies and procedures for the daily, weekly and monthly maintenance reports required from every unit in the 519 th CSSB. Job Overview. Coordinating transportation assets for other Services. Coordinating across the entire staff while assessing the effect of enemy NBC-related attacks and hazards on current and future operations. Resolving legal problems regarding administrative boards, investigations, or other military tribunals. Please leave a comment below to share your experience and any tips for success you might have. Let's get started. Prepares, consolidate, and reviews administrative, personnel, and technical reports covering unit activities. After careful observation, he implemented single- pallet transportation and pallet build - ing procedures. PAO responsibilities include-, (AR 360-1 discusses PAO responsibilities and duties. Issue materiel handling equipment, nets, slings, ropes, cables, wire, rope and other cargo operations gear. The staff weather officer (SWO) is responsible for coordinating operational weather support and weather service matters through the G-2 (S-2). The suggestions I have would be to add something about analyzing into the major duties and something about estimating cost. An SJA serves commanders exercising general-court-martial convening authority. An ENCOORD is authorized at corps and divisions. Informing the commander, deputy or assistant commanders, other primary staff officers, and subordinate unit COSs about new missions, instructions, and developments. Assessing weather and terrain data to determine if environmental factors favor enemy use of weapons of mass destruction or, at corps level, friendly use of nuclear weapons. (See FM 7-0 and FM 25-101.). Personnel replacement management includes-. Performing logistic preparation of the battlefield (with the support command). Are there any physical fitness requirements to join? Maintaining equipment organic or allocated to the headquarters. Coordinating for all logistic requirements relative to EPW and civilian internees, US military prisoners, and dislocated civilians (with the G-4). An LNO is responsible for representing the commander at the headquarters of another command to coordinate and promote cooperation between the two commands. Staff members routinely analyze factors influencing operations. Identifying and assisting the G-6 (S-6) with coordinating military use of local INFOSYS. Providing for the general officer's personal well-being and security, and relieving the general officer of routine and time-consuming duties. Physical security of critical assets, nodes, and sensitive materials. Good Luck! Priorities for employment, distribution, and support. Stationing subordinate finance units, equipped with their supporting systems, to support battlefield procurement and pay operations. Coordinating the attachment of the 1st IOC(L) Field Support Team and other specialized IO teams. Conducting operational and tactical planning to support mode and terminal operations, and movement control. D-92. Assignment:To a Theater Sustainment Command or Expeditionary Sustainment Command, normally attached to a Transportation Motor Transport Battalion or a Combat Sustainment Support Battalion. IG responsibilities include-, (AR 20-1 discusses IG responsibilities and duties. as necessary, is a requirement; therefore, transportation . The ACOS, G-1/AG exercises coordinating staff responsibility over the IG, when required. Providing expertise to other staff sections on special forces, ranger, and special operations aviation employment, doctrine, and TTP. D-1. Injecting historical perspective and institutional memory into command activities. Monitoring compliance with operations security (OPSEC) directives and procedures. Coordinating Staff Responsibility. The FSCOORD is responsible for advising the commander on the best use of available fire support resources, developing the fire support plan, issuing necessary orders in the name of the commander, and implementing the approved fire support plan. Monitoring execution of IO tasks to ensure delivery of massed information effects when needed. D-36. If youve spent time as an Army Support Operations Officer in the past, or currently serve in that duty position, I would love to hear from you. Reach out and we'll help you get there. The SPO also coordinates with the BCT S-4 mobility warrant. D-58. The OPSEC officer helps the G-7 (S-7) perform OPSEC functions. The ACOS, G-1/AG (S-1) is the principal staff officer for all matters concerning human resources support (military and civilian). Classification Review: This position has been classified/graded as required by Title 5, U.S. Code in conformance with standard published by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management or if no published standards apply directly, consistently with the most applicable published standards. Intelligence tasks include-, D-52. Treatment and disposition of enemy defectors and enemy prisoners of war (EPWs), civilian internees, and detainees, determined by the G-5. CHAPTER 5: MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS 5-1. Insures all Standard Army Maintenance Systems (SAMS) reports are rendered as required for the Battalion.Forward Operating Base (FOB) readiness reporting Plans: Ensures data is collected from the Rotational Training Unit on the 916th Support Brigade provided and unit contracted life-support on the outlying FOBs. Evaluating effectiveness of force-protection measures (with the G-7 [S-7], ENCOORD, and the CHEMO). D-48. Providing integrated and independent progress and statistical reports and analyses of command programs. 882As coordinate deployment and distribution actions with multinational, Joint, Army, and commercial agencies through the Joint Logistics Enterprise. a. Conducting police intelligence operations, including activities related to the collection, assessment, development, and dissemination of police intelligence products. Ensuring that accountability and security of supplies and equipment are adequate (with the PM). Coordinating religious support with unit ministry teams of higher and adjacent headquarters, other Services, and multinational forces. Determining requirements for veterinary supplies and equipment. Job Description Providing US and non-US pay functions involving military, DOD civilian, foreign national, HN, civilian internee, EPW, and travel and miscellaneous pay. Evaluating the organizational structure, functions, and workload of military and civilian personnel to ensure their proper use and requirements (manpower utilization and requirements). The TALO is responsible for advising the commander on the best use of airlift resources and coordinating their use. PURPOSE 1. Headquarters Management. Executing policies and standards concerning enlisted soldier performance, training, appearance, and conduct. D-126. When equipped with tank racks/hippos can transport bulk water and bulk petroleum products. Determining the effect of compromises of critical friendly INFOSYS, functions, and data. The SOO is responsible for providing space-related tactical support and coordination of space-based capabilities available to the command. The chaplain advises the commander on matters of religion, morals, and morale as affected by religion, and on the impact of indigenous religions on military operations. Coordinating with the PM to control civilian traffic in the AO. Exercising staff supervision over and providing technical assistance to dental activities. Coordinating staff officers frequently designate members of their sections as action officers. Developing and revising unit force data for documenting any changes to the modification table of organization and equipment (MTOE) and modification table of distribution and allowances (MTDA). Integrating intelligence from the G-2 (S-2) +into IO. The MDO is a functional area 30 officer responsible for coordinating MD assets and operations. Staffs use this RI to maintain running estimates and produce progress reports for their commanders. Recognizing and assessing indicators of institutional and individual discrimination and sexual harassment. They also list special staff officers over which each coordinating staff officer exercises coordinating staff responsibility. Quality-of-life programs, including assessing morale and recommending programs to enhance it. G-7 (S-7) responsibilities related to plans include-, D-83. Advising the commander on employing military units that can perform CMO missions. A deputy FSCOORD or fire support officer (FSO) assists the FSCOORD. Sergeant's Time Training (STT) affords a prime opportunity for developing our first line leaders while they gain confidence of their soldiers. Because of the wide variety of jobs in supply, there are a range of education requirements and salary offerings. D-11. Planning and supervising conferences chaired by the commander, deputy or assistant commanders, or the COS. Corps, divisions, and major support commands are authorized a headquarters commandant. Performing nuclear target analysis (corps and above). Helping the G-6 determine electronic protection requirements. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES . Collecting and maintaining records, such as, staff journals, plans and orders, and after-action reports. CHEMO responsibilities include-, D-107. Here are the steps to become a transportation officer for private organizations or non-military government services: 1. Staff members determine the amount and type of training needed, and any evaluation requirements. Adjusting plans and orders based on feedback. Rewards and punishments; and disposition of stragglers. SOO responsibilities include-, D-118. Attends formal and informal conferences with members of the SPO and headquarters staff on matters involving policy and planning for current or projected support operations. Ultimately, your Soldiers (and you) have to know what is in the document and be trained on it. Supporting the linguist requirements, to include contracting for, planning, and providing logistic support to contracted linguists. The G-5 (S-5) advises the commander on the military's effect on civilians in the AO, relative to the complex relationship of these people with the terrain and institutions over time. A SOO is authorized at corps and may be authorized at divisions in the future. Lastly, my argument against the CSM is that he or she has a lot more meetings and focus areas than the OPS SGM . Personnel Support. Primary duty consistent with 5 CFR 551 (e.g. I really appreciate it. Staff Planning and Supervision. We talk routes, timelines, SOUMs, and anything else that effects the BDE as a whole. No officer exercises coordinating staff responsibility over the chaplain. Serves as LNO between Brigade Commander and Support Battalion Commander concerning logistics. Coordinating with the FSCOORD on protected targets. Synchronizing tactical operations with all staff sections. Advising the Air Force on Army operational weather support requirements. The NETOPS officer integrates mission information applications with INFOSYS and communications and computer operations of the warfighting information network. Median Annual Salary: $47,000 ($22.6/hour) Top 10% Annual Salary: $70,500 ($33.89/hour) D-57. Headquarters management includes-. Components of area security operations, including activities associated with-. References: a. Planning and recommending integration of smoke and obscurants into tactical operations. Advising the commander on fire protection and prevention issues, planning, and coordination (with the G-3 [S-3] and G-4 [S-4]). Required fields are marked *, Copyright (c) 2022 / Each adds these requirements into the overall command training plan, which the G-3 (S-3) maintains. A G-6 (S-6) is authorized at all echelons from battalion through corps. Overseeing cost capturing to support requests for funding authority for operations and requests to replace funds shifted from other programs (for example, mission training) to support an operation. Staff Planning and Supervision. Identify and update information requirements (IRs). Performing NBC vulnerability analyses and recommending IRs to the G-2 (S-2) through the G-3 (S-3). Determining combat service support (CSS) resource requirements (with the G-1/AG [S-1] and G-4 [S-4]). Maintaining close contact and exchanging information with the corresponding staff at higher, subordinate, supporting, supported and adjacent commands, and other Services and agencies. Risk management, determined by the safety officer. Coordinating field artillery survey and meteorological support. Get driver's license. Any and all "shortfalls" identified must be addressed with the 1916th Support Battalion SPO and customer unit. Coordinating dental activities with the command surgeon. Assisting the ground commander in planning and coordinating preplanned, immediate, and emergency theater and strategic airlift support of ground operations. Each staff member performs administrative procedures. Supervising the development, training resource synchronization, evaluation, revision, defense, and execution of the command budget estimate and the program objective memorandum (POM). Supervising the activities of the NETOPS officer, IA staff manager, IMCOORD, RI officer, and INFOSYS officer. Mission:To perform waterborne transportation of personnel, cargo and equipment during intra-theater lift, water terminal, waterborne tactical and joint amphibious, riverine or Joints Logistics-Over-The-Shore (JLOTS) operations. The COS frees the commander from routine details of staff operations and passes pertinent data, information, and insight from the staff to the commander and from the commander to the staff. Preparing and maintaining C4OPS estimates, plans, and orders. ARFOR AMD plans are deconflicted and synchronized with the AADC's area air defense plan, the JFACC's joint air operations plan and daily air tasking order (ATO), and the ACA's airspace control plan and daily airspace control order (ACO). Civilian Personnel Officer. #2) Ask for your rater and senior rater's support forms and ensure your support form nests with theirs. Explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) officer. Directs procedures for the identification and . Facilitating the timely flow of RI and enabling the staff to process, display, store, and disseminate the COP. D-79. D-44. FM 100-22 contains information about the responsibilities of installation staffs. Coordinating tactical air support missions with the FSCOORD and the appropriate A2C2 element. AR 10-5 describes the responsibilities and duties of the Army Staff. Explosive Ordnance Disposal Officer. G-7 (S-7) responsibilities related to current operations include-, D-82. 60%Directs and oversees the management and program execution of the following branches within the SPO division: rotational training unit sustainment/convoy operations, Battalion and rotational unit maintenance readiness, and Forward Operating Base (FOB) readiness reporting. Coordinating all classes of supply except class VIII (which is coordinated through medical supply channels). SummaryWhen this description was evaluated by the manager it was given a GS-0346-11. Supervision includes-. D-80. The ISR plan produces an initial ISR order to answer initial CCIR, PIRs, and IRs. Classification standard series 0346b. The problem determines the extent of research. Coordinating with the G-2 (S-2) to obtain national medical intelligence reports and summaries. Coordinating, planning, and directing all C4OPS support interfaces with joint and multinational forces, including HN support interfaces. Psychological Operations Officer. The value of a close relationship between the commander and COS cannot be overstated. D-16. Reporting incidents through channels to regional computer emergency response team and Army Computer Emergency Response team. Analyzing personnel strength data to determine current capabilities and project future requirements. Directing and supervising automation management functions, a subset of INFOSYS. Personnel strength data to determine current capabilities and project future requirements daily, weekly and monthly maintenance reports required every!, development, and anything else that effects the BDE as a support operations officer materiel! And multinational forces OPSEC ) directives and procedures for unit activation, inactivation, establishment, discontinuance, sensitive! 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