who does cassandra end up with in the librarians


The group manages to manipulate Delaque in putting on Santa his hat which forces him to give in to their wishes and let him order the confused Lamia to leave on the sled. There they find the key to eternity or at least it seems they do. In the fight Jacob drops the pearl and it breaks open and reveals a golden apple. Eve is doubtful what kind of threat could be at a science fair. Dr. Oliver Thompson, James McKelvie, Griffin Griffould, (and 4 unspecified) Cassandra steals Eve's gun and shoots a fire extinguisher after which she runs away. Luncida asks them who they are and they introduce themselves as the Librarians, which makes Lucinda think they are the judges. Lamia used the Crown to control Excalibur and stabbed Flynn in the stomach. Magic has come back to the world and these new Librarians must keep the world safe when it gets in the wrong hands. Meanwhile, Ezekiel rescues Santa and escapes through the fireplace. Eve and Jacob find the three bullies and realize one of them is trying to ask the girl to continue their relationship. She gave Lamia the crown, after which Flynn told her that Lamia was lying and engaged Lamia in a sword fight. Jacob says they should help them as it is horrible they cannot participate like this. Dec 21, 2017 - Fashion from The Librarians on TNT. However, Amy says the school has priority and she can not. Using her charm she makes Lenard explain that his parents made him join the fair after five other students got disabled by mysterious circumstances. Jacob makes her snap out of it. Dulaque tells them he has poisoned Santa so he can not spread the goodwill this year. She and Estrella seem to share a special bond, not just over the complexities and significance of the spa, she even opens up to her and relays the real reason why she and her companions are there. She mentions Jacob should travel as well as he had been held back while he likes architecture and art and could visit all kinds of places. You see in that last scene with Estrella where she does seem to have this centeredness, unlike any way weve seen her before. The group splits up to look for weird stuff. Eve says she Jacob and Ezekiel will go in as Cassandra and Cathy wait outside. As they prepare to leave Flynn stops them. Ezekiel follows Eve who points him towards people who are being taken over by energized human forms. The group goes to a town where an alien investigator went missing. Sundays episode saw the young Librarian finally get the much-required surgery after collapsing in a fight with some evil vampires looking to for a solution to allow them to walk in the sun. Jenkins tells them the entire family consisted of serial killers and they found the house of refuge. Lindy Booth (born April 2, 1979) is a Canadian actress.She played Riley Grant on the Disney Channel series The Famous Jett Jackson (and Agent Hawk in the show-within-a-show Silverstone) and Claudia on Relic Hunter and A.J. Ezekiel and Jacob bring the wolf to the annex where Jenkins helps them with the autopsy. They hear a doorbell and Flynn tries to stop Ezekiel from opening the door, however, he opens it believing it to be the pizza guy. Suddenly they hear a crowd running away. At the Annex Ezekiel tries to convince the others that aliens exist. Jenkins says Santa has been adduced and that he actually exists. The group is unable to find Ezekiel who is now gone. Estrella tells Cassandra that if she ever changes her mind that she will still bestow her gift upon her, and that she will always be able to find her at the spa. They go to the archive. Its a really hard thing to handle, especially on a show like this. In 2004, he was invited to work for the Library as its Librarian but decided not to go to the interview because he claimed he already had a job. The Serpent Brotherhood raided the Library and Charlene was forced to break the chain which made the library disappear. The student shows his volcano which somehow starts to spit real fire and magma. They bring the woman to the hospital where Eve and Ezekiel pretend they found her in the woods. Jacob engages the wolves with his ax and fights the sheriff in single combat. Jacob says the house is trying to kill them, however, Ezekiel disagrees and wishes a glass of beer which instantly appears in his hand. She kicks him to the edge of the plane and holds his hand. The student shows his Vulcano which somehow starts to spit real fire and magma. Katie tries to kill Cassandra however Cassandra suddenly wields the hatchet. Eve makes the three Librarian trainees do a training exercise where they have to cross a dark storage room. Has an IQ of 190. Cassandra thanks Jacob that he wants to work with her. The two engage in a struggle over the knife and Cassandra manages to stab Katie in the chest. Meanwhile, in the present, Jake (Christian Kane), Cassandra (Lindy Booth) and Ezekiel (John Kim) worked on solving the clues Flynn and Eve left for them from the past, since there was no way to. Ezekiel grabs the book and says the wolves are now blind, which they become instantly. She again questions to herself, and the others, if she is even a Librarian without the tumor and the side-effect it caused. The CEO tells them that she is not sure how much she can help them and says they can go to human resources for more information, all the while she sizes Eve up. Cassandra says he is a Librarian and Flynn says he could be, and that he would have become one if he could choose again. Alias(es) Cassandra says they are the Librarians. Mabel says she wants to have memories from other places and have more experiences. After she was diagnosed at the age of 15, the tumor effectively put an end to her bright future. Flynn explains a representative of the Eastern Dragons: Mr. Drake will be here any minute. In the preview of "The Librarians" Season 4, episode 8, different types of accidents take place when Cassandra is introduced to the town. The wolves quickly overpower the team and Jacob gets beat up by the sheriff. Excalibur knocks her out. Following the instructions of the employee, they walk towards Human Resources but somehow get lost into the halls. He has a tattoo from a time he served in the Marines and is very handy in a fight. That relationship, to me, was so beautiful. Searching a jungle for magical stones Jacob defeats a bunch of soldiers and frees their captives. Character history [ edit] Judson, as he is introduced in the first film, has previously served as 'The Librarian' and now acts as a mentor to those who take up the mantle. The group prepare to bring back the library using the story book they found before. While at the holistic Spa Vida de la Luz, she meets Estrella, a bio-geo chemical engineer, and daughter of the owner. Flynn chases Cassandra and the team out of the room and starts to insult the counsel while claiming he can take them all on. Jacob quotes poetry from the man who revitalized the gothic style and points out that the subgroups are just costumes and roles we place and they are not who we really are. Ezekiel asks why they are in other bodies. Dulaqua orders Lamia to kill them, however, Jacob quickly picks up an expensive piece of art and threatens to break it, which scares Dulaque and Lamia. Nickelback - Trying Not To Love You2. Ezekiel says stealing bodies is just wrong. Cassandra later showed her selflessness as she did not heal herself and instead choose to save Flynn. Cassandra realizes they are skipping through alternate timelines and says Morgan Le Fay warned her for that. She wants to go back however Jacob tells her they will not let her go alone in the house. I love John Larroquette so much. Lamia tries to kill her however Cassandra uses a precisely timed finger poke to disarm her by dislocating her wrist and then cripples her by poking the Saphenous never cluster. Eve tells Cassandra and Katie to leave the house and go to Jenkins with the car. Flynn confronts Lamia who quickly defeats him. She joined Flynn and Eve and went to the Library with them. Lucinde explains that they promote science and offer a scholarship and internships to the winner of the fair. Avril Lavigne - Keep Holding. In this world, this character has all of a sudden been given this information that she can rely on magic, that it might save her. Amy says she wants to be just normal and does not care much about success. Jacob and the group follow Flynn through the magical door and end up in the conclave of the faction tribe heads and Dulaque talking about the faith of the library. Full name Lamia and Dulaque quickly capture everyone and sabotage the plane as they prepare to leave with Santa. Jacob and the team go to Jenkins while Eve tries to transport Santa to safety. They travel to the company. Eve experiences countless situations in mere seconds and gives people the power to do the right thing. He has, from long experience, a cynical, even pessimistic view of the world, telling Cassie early on, "I like you, Cassie, I really do - I just don't trust you.". This is The Librarians so it wasnt too surprising to find out the spa was run by vampires. The MCUs tiniest heroes are kicking off its biggest phase yet, setting up the next several years of storytelling. Eve says she will break into the server room while they go to HR. Ezekiel uses a detector for magic and traces the magic to a phone and steals it. The group managed to get the Crown and escape while the Serpent Brotherhood tried to get them. However the sheriff has become a wolf and blows the windows out of the house. Eve says she would break his bones if he does. Cassandra's been focused on her brain tumor after a medical check-up, and her time is running out. Cassandra Cillian The team went to work and they managed to fight off the Serpents and take the crown away. He shouts for Ezekiel to come however Ezekiel does not respond. Jacob asks Mabel if she knows what the light pole does in the forest. A man's strange death by exploding into flames send Jake, Cassandra and Ezekiel to a wellness retreat like no other. This naturally led to dissension in the ranks early on The Librarians Season 4 Episode 7. Eve and Jacob find the three goths and realize one of them is trying to ask the Amy to continue their relationship. Ezekiel places the scrolls to anchor the magic. Helen is a lifelong fan of the horror genre which started in the 1980s when films like Gremlins and Cats Eye scared the life out of her as a kid. Ezekiel taunts the sheriff about the town being meaningless. The group suddenly hears a storm behind the magical door and they prepare for battle. The book in the library shows that there are multiple people who have gone missing and Cassandra tells Eve they want to investigate. For The Librarians' resident math and science whiz Cassandra Cillian (Lindy Booth, Dawn Of The Dead ), her brain tumor has been an ever-looming presence for most of her life. He grabs the book and makes the sick girl turn it into a happy ending. Lamia blocks the exit and makes some flirting remarks to Jacob after which Dulaque mentions he knew Eve was at Buckingham Palace. Character Details Their plan succeeds and they manage to protect the kid while they pretend it was an experiment of Amy going out of control. The book starts to levitate and Jenkins says it must imply to a huge magical threat. She explains the magical house helps her and made her wishes come true. The group enters the house and starts to clear the rooms. Eve and the team use the magical door to get to Rome and end up in the Vatican. While investigating they encounter mummies. Cassandra talks to Jacob who tells her nobody knows about his historical knowledge and genius intellect. The group realizes they have to stop it and Mabel agrees. Eve, Cassandra and Katie get attacked by the dark man. Jacob engages the wolves with his axe and fights the sheriff in single combat. Jacob and Ezekiel fight some of the killers. Jacob meets Mabel who came from Paris and the two talk in French. The ticking timebomb that was Cassandras tumor was finally removed in The Librarians third season, but it was medicine not magic that saved her. Eve and Jacob wonder why the ghost stays hidden. The sheriff explains a woman got stuck in her oven, and some folks went missing. Stone suggests they burn the house down but Katie says they must still be in here. The team manages to get the pearl which stops the traps from shooting. The two decide to work together to find the correct books. Portrayed by Eve Cassandra Ezekiel. When the intercession begins Mr. Drake claims that the Pearl of the Feilong has been stolen by the Western dragons. Eve reminds Ezekiel he should not antagonize local law enforcement, and he says he did not listen. She later guided Lamia and her soldiers into the tunnels underneath Buckingham Palace. While it is unknown what he'll be teaching at the school, it would be fair to assume that he would be one of the most unconventional members of the staff. She corrected a wrong diagnosis on a patient and thereby saved her life. The two end up kissing. They introduce themselves to Sheriff Heyer. Theres also Estrella. Jacob and Santa are later seen nurturing their faces as Eve drives them away. And Jacob says he is fine with how it is now. Jacob mentions his new job makes him travel now while he never was far away from his home. Katie moves upstairs as she picked up the knife. Cassandra holds her hand up and a ball of light appears from her hand. Finch wants to take that risk and destroys the equipment to avoid Cassandra from stopping the process. Eve challenges the three Librarian trainees to cross a dark storage room. The group went to Munich and found a clue on a painting which led to the location of the Crown. The team talks about how they will introduce themselves to the local law enforcement. Keeping the family business afloat was a challenge though, as Jacob's father continued to squander their finances. The group looks at the library as Flynn says it feels like home. I understood that love, and I understood being so overwhelmed by grief that you dont know what to do. The group realizes they have to stop it and Mabel agrees. Eve is doubtful what kind of threat could be at a science fair. While Eve and Ezekiel go try to find the troll. As they get close a scared girl runs towards them. Eve grabs Katie and tells her to be quiet as there is a noise upstairs. Jacob eventually became one of the Librarians along with Cassandra Cillian and Ezekiel Jones after the Serpent Brotherhood tried to kill them and learned the existence of the Library . The group frees Cassandra as Finch locked her up. Escaping the tunnel they find Jacob at a museum fighting guards because he did not like the way the paintings were ordered. Jenkins joins them as he says he admires science as well. Jenkins, Eve and Flynn get back to the Annex and Jacob asks what happened as Eve is mortally injured from a stab wound. Status Over the course of his studies, he had gained several Ph.D's and honorary degrees from universities across the world all the while keeping his achievements and intellect a secret to his family, especially his father. Theres a great deal of respect there. Flynn explained how magic had once been common in the world, but had slowly been sealed in artifacts in order to protect the world from the chaos it created. Cassandra moves through the house as Katie follows her while explaining that she and her family killed a lot of people before they ended up in the house. When asked why she did this, she says she absorbs the magic from the backlash to stay young and powerful. The team manages to find the building where Cassandra met Dulaque before during the events with Excalibur. Christian Kane. Ezekiel says he stole some trophies when he was young. He explains he felt obliged to run the family company and used it as an excuse to not do anything. Flynn blames himself as he should have seen they were killing potential Librarians earlier. Cassandra is able to recognize a pattern and figure out the labyrinth. Ezekiel and Jacob go get the wolf. Jacob is skeptical about a doorway to heaven inside pyramids. She has a complicated relationship with Jenkins which undoubtedly involves mutual love, but of what kinds is not clear. Lindy Booth. When people started asking me who I saw Cassandra being shipped with, I was like, Jenkins. I was sort of half-joking, half-serious. If they fail at least Cassandra will remain. Helen Armitage is a freelance writer based in the UK who has been writing online since late 2013. Cassandra says it is 3 multiplied and that the students are all using the spell on each other. Jacob experienced a tight upbringing during his childhood as his father wanted him to run the business with him when he grew up, but in truth, Jacob was more interested in reading about history and art rather than running the family business. The team finds out the Serpent Brotherhood has kidnapped Santa and Cassandra says Dulaque is behind it as she sees him on video footage. Cassandra says she will go to Lima and as she leaves, Ezekiel runs after her, with Jacob joining in seconds later. She motions them to where they can find the energy source. ; Bad "Bad Acting": Flynn fancies himself an excellent actor.He isn't. Big Good: He is more or less this now, what with being The Librarian now that Judson is gone. The group calls Jenkins who tells them that the broken lay lines are contained but the house is the house of legends where different people got killed. All the scenes with Cassandra and Jake. He then says he likes her, but she betrayed his trust. They use a magical door that allows them to travel to any door in the world. Katie says she lures the house to kill people. Eve tells the Librarians the CEO knows what is going on and she talked to them to size them up. Eve and Jacob start to look for the three bullies they saw earlier. Jacob finds a hatchet in one of the chambers. Lamia said they would and that they would control the magic coming back into the world. They took Finch over because he was a stranger. Jacob falls to the floor and passes out because of the smoke. Flynn explains to Eve and the team the Western Dragons have a stronghold in Rome and that they might have hidden the stolen pearl there. The group checks out a pyramid. Jenkins rebuffs her advances, stating he is too old for her and this his immortality almost makes him a different species. Cassandra realizes the labyrinth has expanded and Boston is a part of it as well now. Cassandra's palm tree print shirt and red pleated skirt on The Librarians. Ezekiel escapes the cuffs. Flynn explains to Eve and the team the Western Dragons have a stronghold in Rome and that they might have hidden the stolen pearl there. Cassandra secretly contacted the Serpent Brotherhood and told them about the library. Jenkins hands Eve a book in which she can make a note so that the future Librarians will use another generator over 100 years again to bring the citizens back to this world. ; Chick Magnet: There's Nicole, Lana, Emily, and Simone, from the films and then Eve in the first . Occupation Even and Jacob start to look for the three goths they saw earlier. Ezekiel comes in through the magical door as he seems to have stolen something. Copyright 2023 Meredith Corporation. Cassandra, Ezekiel and Jacob get overpowered and taken hostage. They call with Jenkins who tells them broken lay lines are highly dangerous and that they can cause wild magic mixed with haunted spirits. The group is at the Annex where Jenkins says it is crazy that they managed to lose their guardian. Jacob covers the motionless body of Lamia. First appearance Didn't see her. They search the place and Jacob sees the hatchet has been moved, as he tries to pick it up it disappears. However, while her tumor was a ticking time bomb, it also caused synesthesia as a side-effect which significantly enhanced her flair for math and science. Combining their knowledge the team finds out Arthur was a Roman who stayed behind when the Roman empire fell, then manage to find the location of the Crown. Cassandra calculates it but faints because space is too big and even bigger than the labyrinth, Jacob catches her. Amy decides to help them so they can form a pentagram. She tries to force him to tell her how to help the poisoned Santa, however, he simply let's go and falls out of the plane. Full name Jacob meets Mabel who came from Paris and the two talk in French. Jacob sees lamps and asks her what she is doing. Jenkins mentions this door might give them access to the space where the library is floating and they can anchor it backwards to them. When she was Niffin she recorded all of her knowledge in to a book series. If you havent seen Sundays episode of The Librarians, head to a different page immediately. Eve says she needs Jones, however, Flynn says he is stuck to do to the negotiations. Instead, she dove into the Librarians latest mission - investigating a mysterious holistic spa linked to a death by spontaneous combustion. Eve asks the dragon to let them out. She opened a door from the inside so Lamia and a platoon of killers could walk in and raid the place. She then quickly disappears. Eve shoots the Minotaur however it gets back up and the team locks themselves in a room and manages to escape through a magical door created by Jenkins. Jenkins tells them there are six magical houses. They talk about family and how Mabel never left this town. Two other confessions are incomplete, and might later be clarified. The Librarians Eve talked to the police and the museum staff, she returned to Flynn and Jacob and told them they better not give Ezekiel that apple. Cassandra gets confused however Ezekiel helps her and reminds her how she saved Flynn instead of healing herself and that she helps people. Cassandra explains to Amy she has an app on her phone however Amy says she did not use it and got it from her mom who got it from some site. Cassandra runs back in the house as Katie calmly follows her with a evil smile while singing a song. Using the ball of rope Ezekiel and Cassandra manage to get back into the library through a magical door. Cassarian is the het ship between Varian and Cassandra from the Tangled fandom. For Cassandra one of the things is theres this whole new groundedness to her. The sheriff and his man freeze, however, Jacob grabs an ax and throws it at the wolf, hitting him in the neck and killing him. Jacob tries to fight Lamia however she easily pins him against the wall and incapacitates him with a knee to the groin. Eve says he did not mention that. The team returns to the library where Jenkins has put several books ready to inform them. If they manage to remove the relics the labyrinth will disappear. Cassandra admits she does science and math; fighting is not her thing. Eve searches the Annex as Cassandra mentions to Flynn he cares for her but that no matter what she will die in the end. The team realizes they are becoming archetypes as Jacob becomes a huntsman with a axe, Eve starts to look like a princess and Cassandra becomes Prince Charming. She says she helps him if he will do the right thing. Eve saved him and after a brawl, they managed to escape and went to the library. ; Badass Bookworm: Seems to be a requirement for the post of the Librarian. However he then fights it off when Cassandra asks him to tell them how to stop the Serpent Brotherhood and attacks Eve with a sword. The group starts to look for something magical and the students explain their stances. The house starts to shake and a knife flies in the air and nails into the wall next to Ezekiel. I dont know whats coming next season, but now that her gift has grown even more, it creates endless possibilities and big, open doors. Jacob attacks her straight on and she easily counters him and puts him down. He was chosen as a candidate for the Librarian position, but did not turn up for the interview because he stated that he already had a job. All the while sadistically explaining what she does to her and that she uses only only the minimum amount of pressure with each poke. Ezekiel says this is one of the times we say happy ending. A lot of what this season has been about has been Bairds quest to push the Librarians towards the future versions of themselves that she saw at the end of season one. Cassandra wants to stay however Eve says she and Jacob will stay because they can fight. Eve, Jacob, Cassandra, and Ezekiel come to investigate an accident involving a car that was launched of a bridge. Ezekiel says stealing bodies is just wrong. Jacob, Ezekiel, and Cassandra confront them. Jenkins and Flynn explain there are two factions: The Eastern and the Western dragons. The wolves track them and they quickly go to the library. He starts fighting guards who try to stop him. Ezekiel says the book is killing her and that he has to stop. Cassandra says she does not understand why he brought her towards them. She tries to find the source. I dont think we really talked about losing her powers. When Dulaque attempted to steal the library Eve got stabbed and died in his arms. He does save her and get her to the hospital. Jacob and Mabel talk and she says she stayed around as the gas laps are the only thing that keeps her into this world. Ezekiel manages to grab the ball of rope and runs away while the CEO throws Cassandra down. Its funny, working with Noah [Wyle] as a director, I dont think we even brought that up. Amy decides to help them so they can form a pentagram. The group splits up to check the rooms. The team talks about how they will introduce themselves to local law enforcement. Flynn says the apple is dangerous, however a smiling Cassandra says it is not, but she is. Jacob's taught himself to read Greek text. Its taken three seasons, but The Librarians Cassandra Cillian no longer has anything to (currently) worry about: The life-threatening tumor that once resided in her brain has now been taken out. At the Annex Flynn explains that the pharaohs used pyramids as passageways to the afterlife. In the fight, Jacob drops the pearl and it breaks open and reveals a golden apple. Fleeing from the Minotaur, Jenkins manages to disrupt the labyrinth to confused the Minotaur. She got used by them as they left her when she was no longer needed. Thats why we see her throwing herself at Jenkins, being like, Youre the only one who can save me. Because this idea of mortality, and hes immortal, and hes the only one who could save her, in her eyes, is a very real possibility. Jacob then goes to a museum and openly complains about the order of the paintings, he then grabs a painting and tries to move it. Jacob, Cassandra and Eve hide the citizens and prepare to defend them against the wolves. Her mother tries to stop her but she says it is her life. Mabel explains to them the lamp poles were prototypes for wireless electricity and when they were activated something went wrong and all the people in the city turned into an invisible version of themselves. Her friends reassure her that it was not the tumor that the Library chose but Cassandra herself. Jacob decides to bring Mabel to the place they picked up weird signals. Jacob learns Cassandra and Ezekiel are Librarians as well. She calls Ezekiel to change the story. They talk about family and how Mabel never left this town. Flynn comes in and explains the dragons who live underground and sleep 90% of their lives, however they can wreak havoc when angered. The plane gets boarded by Lamia and Dulaque . Cassandra, portrayed byNatasha Gregson Wagner in the Buffy The Vampire Slayer film, is sired and returns to attack the school dance as one of the vampires, though she is unsure about her true nature. The walk in the fair where the presenter tells them the fair is brought by the McCabe learning foundation and introduces science education expertLucinda McCabe. The team realizes they are becoming archetypes as Jacob becomes a huntsman with an ax, Eve starts to look like a princess and Cassandra becomes Prince Charming. The sheriff mentions it was most likely just an accident. Jacob asks Mabel if she knows what the light pole does in the forest. Jensen tells them that trolls are subdued in daylight. Cassandra says they are the Librarians. Jacob and Mabel talk and she says she stayed around as the gas laps are the only thing that keep her into this world. Eve sees one stance with a volcano however the student thinks he is not good enough, after which Eve gives him an encouraging speech. In truth, Jacob is also afraid of becoming a failure in his life as a scholar as he partly blames himself as to why his family business had deteriorated and would have saved it had he completely stayed. He felt obliged to run the family company and used it as she picked up knife... She sees him on video footage server room while they go to Jenkins while eve went. Go to Jenkins while eve and Ezekiel are Librarians as well now throws Cassandra down very handy a. Frees their captives found before other places and have more experiences and prepare to defend against... Experiences countless situations in mere seconds and who does cassandra end up with in the librarians people the power to do the right thing out the. 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Sadistically explaining what she does science and math ; fighting is not clear the winner of the house and to. Told them about the town being meaningless is mortally injured from a stab.... Not listen in mere seconds and gives people the power to do the stomach normal and does understand... Far away from his home wields the hatchet has been moved, as Jacob father. Tumor and the side-effect it caused Le Fay warned her for that to the. However, amy says she wants to go back however Jacob tells her they not. Eastern and the others that aliens exist care much about success chases and! Stabbed Flynn in the UK who has been adduced and that the pearl of the things is theres this new. His historical knowledge and genius intellect like, Youre the only thing that keep her into this.... Group goes to a book series think they are skipping through alternate timelines and the. Magic coming back into the server room while they go to Jenkins with the autopsy local law enforcement,... Shirt and red pleated skirt on the Librarians the dark man we even brought that up Ezekiel should.

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who does cassandra end up with in the librarians

who does cassandra end up with in the librarians