unitatis redintegratio quotes


Where the authentic theological traditions of the Eastern Church are concerned, we must recognize the admirable way in which they have their roots in Holy Scripture, and how they are nurtured and given expression in the life of the liturgy. 28, 57), enriches them and at the same time makes their gifts her own; she brings them to the fullness of their catholicity and thereby fully attains her own catholicity (cf. | Irondale, AL 35210 |. [2] Cf. On the other hand, Catholics must gladly acknowledge and esteem the truly Christian endowments from our common heritage which are to be found among our separated brethren. Unitatis Redintegratio affirms that it is in the Eucharist where "the unity of the Church is both signified and brought about" (Unitatis Redintegratio, n. 2). 1 Jn. Above all, prayer is the heart of the ecumenical movement (cf. For many centuries the Church of the East and that of the West each followed their separate ways though linked in a brotherly union of faith and sacramental life; the Roman See by common consent acted as guide when disagreements arose between them over matters of faith or discipline. Nevertheless, the divisions among Christians prevent the Church from attaining the fullness of catholicity proper to her, in those of her sons who, though attached to her by Baptism, are yet separated from full communion with her. Baptism, therefore, envisages a complete profession of faith, complete incorporation in the system of salvation such as Christ willed it to be, and finally complete ingrafting in eucharistic communion. 18. 17. John Wooden, All hopes of eternity and all gain from the past he would have given to have her there, to be wrapped warm with him in one blanket, and sleep, only sleep. Presbyterorum ordinis) Volume 5 (Gaudium et spes) Rediscovering Vatican II. It is the sacrament of faith through which the baptized are incorporated into Christ's one Body, which is the Church. 1, 4). To make easier the ecumenical dialogue in spite of these differences, we wish to set down some considerations which can, and indeed should, serve as a basis and encouragement for such dialogue. I also try to never make it personal. Copyright 2023 Famous Quotes & Sayings. 24. The daily Christian life of these brethren is nourished by their faith in Christ and strengthened by the grace of Baptism and by hearing the word of God. From such dialogue will emerge still more clearly what the situation of the Catholic Church really is. VI (1439), Definitio Laetentur caeli: Mansi 31, 1026 E. [27] Cf. Whereas with the split between East and West the ecclesial structure that had developed basically since the second century remained the same, with the Communities born from the Reformation we face a different ecclesial type.18. The Decree on Ecumenism, aka Unitatitis Redintegratio, was not among the longest or most weighty documents of the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, but it was certainly ranks among its greatest achievements. Copyright 2023 Eternal Word Television Network, Inc. Irondale, Alabama. Les exigeances de la communion, Paris, 1959; Y. Congar, Diversit et communion, Paris, 1982, 239 ff. The latter have recently come to the fore and have created problems within both the Ecclesial Communities of the Reformation and relations between them and the Catholic Church. Unitatis Redintegratio, n. 14) and that legitimate differences be recognized (cf. Introduction by Cardinal Kasper, Communio. [10] Cf. 4, 9; Col. 1, 18-20; Jn. Today, in many parts of the world, under the inspiring grace of the Holy Spirit, many efforts are being made in prayer, word and action to attain that fullness of unity which Jesus Christ desires. Volume 2 (Unitatis redintegratio, Christus Dominus, Perfectae caritatis, Optatam totius) Volume 3 (Nostra aetate, Dei Verbum, Apostolicam actuositatem) Volume 4 (Gravissimum educationis, Dignitatis humanae, Ad gentes. The Decree on Ecumenism shows us the way in the 21st century. Cf. Full text of Unitatis Redintegratio. But there is no opposition between the two, since both proceed from the marvelous ways of God. 2, 2S; CONC. They derive their strength too from the living tradition of the apostles and from the works of the Fathers and spiritual writers of the Eastern Churches. 9. Taken from: L'Osservatore Romano Weekly Edition in English 1 December 2004, page 8. The Council did not, of course, reduce the differences to mere political and cultural factors. After taking all these factors into consideration, this Sacred Council solemnly repeats the declaration of previous Councils and Roman Pontiffs, that for the restoration or the maintenance of unity and communion it is necessary to impose no burden beyond what is essential. In this way too the outlook of our separated brethren will be better understood, and our own belief more aptly explained. A SINGLE LETTER TO BE CHANGED. As the Council says, the Ecclesial Communities born from the Reformation "have not preserved the proper reality of the Eucharistic mystery in its fullness especially because of the absence of the Sacrament of Orders" (Unitatis Redintegratio, n. 22). Unitatis Redintegratio, nn. 8. All believers in Christ can, through this cooperation, be led to acquire a better knowledge and appreciation of one another, and so pave the way to Christian unity. 15. 2 ff.). [17] Cf. CONC. Commitment to ecumenism responds to the prayer of the Lord Jesus that "they may all be one" (Jn 17:21). I do not intend to describe here the chequered movement leading up to Unitatis Redintegratio2 and eventually to abandoning the limited vision of the Post-Tridentine and Counter-Reformation Church, and to furthering not "modernism" but a return to the biblical, patristic and late mediaeval tradition which made possible a new and clearer understanding of the nature of the Church. 16, 15. [41] For that reason an ecumenical dialogue might start with discussion of the application of the Gospel to moral conduct. [13] Christ Jesus Himself was forever to remain the chief cornerstone[14] and shepherd of our souls.[15]. In all things let charity prevail. Joseph Ratzinger given by Dr. Schler in his book Benedict XVI and the Church's View of Itself," showed how the young theologian in the 1960's thought entirely along the lines of golden coins in or out of the heap. For although the Catholic Church has been endowed with all divinely revealed truth and with all means of grace, yet its members fail to live by them with all the fervor that they should, so that the radiance of the Church's image is less clear in the eyes of our separated brethren and of the world at large, and the growth of God's kingdom is delayed. The goal of full unity [can] be reached only through the action of the Spirit of God and the conversion of all to the one Head of the Church, Jesus Christ. 12 Cf. 19Ibid., 386-392 (n. 176). The brethren divided from us also use many liturgical actions of the Christian religion. Le Guillou, Mission et unit. Alice Sebold. Therefore, without minimizing the differences between the various Christian bodies, and without overlooking the bonds between them which exist in spite of divisions, this holy Council decides to propose the following considerations for prudent ecumenical action. This has at times meant that the ecumenical movement has fallen prey to movements critical of the Church, and this has been exploited against her. This importance is the greater because the instruction and spiritual formation of the faithful and of religious depends so largely on the formation which their priests have received. Ut Unum Sint, n. 20). 12, 83). 13 On the notion of "the structures of sin", cf. 21 This idea is also found in the Decree Orientalium Ecclesiarum, n. 1, and in the Apostolic Letter Orientale Lumen (1995), n. 1. For it is only through Christ's Catholic Church, which is the all-embracing means of salvation, that they can benefit fully from the means of salvation. We must get to know the outlook of our separated brethren. 20 The Catechism of the Catholic Church (n. 248) also includes the filioque question among those problems that indicate a complementary rather than a contradictory difference. At the same time, the Catholic faith must be explained more profoundly and precisely, in such a way and in such terms as our separated brethren can also really understand. From: Unitatis Redintegratio (Chapter 1: Catholic Principles on Ecumenism, No. Because of the existing differences, the Council urged the faithful to abstain from any frivolous or rash zeal. The Sacred Council exhorts all the Catholic faithful to recognize the signs of the times and to take an active and intelligent part in the work of ecumenism. Such theories of ecclesiological pluralism are in contradiction to the understanding of the proper identity which the Catholic Church as for also the Orthodox Churches has always had in the course of her Tradition, an understanding that the Second Vatican Council also chose to adopt. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.[33]. All this heritage of spirituality and liturgy, of discipline and theology, in its various traditions, this holy synod declares to belong to the full Catholic and apostolic character of the Church. Yet something new did begin with the Council: not a new Church but a renewed Church. In particular, Johann Adam Mhler and John Henry Newman should be cited as precursors and pioneers. XII (1517), Constitutio Constituti: Mansi 32, 988 B-C. [36] Cf. The ecumenical movement is striving to overcome these obstacles. Lumen Gentium, n. 13; Unitatis Redintegratio, nn. Yet they have retained a particularly close affinity with the Catholic Church as a result of the long centuries in which all Christendom lived together in ecclesiastical communion. A. Nichols, Yves Congar, London, 1986, 101-106). This active faith has been responsible for many organizations for the relief of spiritual and material distress, the furtherance of the education of youth, the improvement of the social conditions of life, and the promotion of peace throughout the world. 1 For the antecedents of the ecumenical movement in the Catholic Church, cf. Spiritus Sanctus, qui credentes inhabitat totamque replet atque regit Ecclesiam, miram illam communionem fidelium efficit et tam intime omnes in Christo coniungit, ut Ecclesiae unitatis sit Principium. To remove, then, all shadow of doubt, this holy Council solemnly declares that the Churches of the East, while remembering the necessary unity of the whole Church, have the power to govern themselves according to the disciplines proper to them, since these are better suited to the character of their faithful, and more for the good of their souls. What has just been said about the lawful variety that can exist in the Church must also be taken to apply to the differences in theological expression of doctrine. Understood in this way, ecumenism is the "way of the Church" (Ut Unum Sint, n. 7). The Declaration Dominus Iesus (cf. Unitatis Redintegratio reads: "plena communio" and "quaedam communio, et si non perfecta". 21. This dynamic, as has happened all too often in the Church's history, could have been erroneously interpreted as a progressivist movement that saw the heritage of ancient traditions as obsolete, rejecting it in the name of what might be termed a progressivist conception of faith. In other words, the Council gave fresh importance to the eschatological dimension, showing that the Church is not a static but a dynamic reality, that she is the People of God on pilgrimage between the "already" and the "not yet". This "ecclesiology of elements" was already criticized at the Conciliar debates and especially after the Council." The Biblical and liturgical movements, the preaching of the word of God and catechetics, the apostolate of the laity, new forms of religious life and the spirituality of married life, and the Church's social teaching and activity - all these should be considered as pledges and signs of the future progress of ecumenism. Each and all these matters which are set forth in this Decree have been favorably voted on by the Fathers of the Council. For the closer their union with the Father, the Word, and the Spirit, the more deeply and easily will they be able to grow in mutual brotherly love. From the outset, East and West accepted the same Gospel in different ways and developed their liturgy, spirituality, theology and canon law along different lines. The Church is wherever the Eucharist is celebrated. The Council, therefore, spoke of relations between local Churches as between Sister Churches (cf. He brings them into intimate union with Christ, so that He is the principle of the Church's unity. Witness to the unity of the Church very generally forbids common worship to Christians, but the grace to be had from it sometimes commends this practice. especially, H. Mlhlen, Una mistica persona, Munich-Paderborn, 1968, 496-502, 504-513. 5 G. Philips, L'glise et son mystre aux deuxime Concile du Vatican, vol. Unitatis Redintegratio (UR), 1. The Church therefore needs purification and renewal and must ceaselessly take the way of penance (cf. Despite their different, often considerably differing stances, the reformers conceive of the Church as a creatura verbi whose point of departure is the Word of God24 and not the Eucharist. Protestants do not want to be Church in the way the Catholic Church desires herself to be; they represent another kind of Church and for this reason, according to the criterion of Catholic identity, they are not a Church in the proper sense. [2] Before offering Himself up as a spotless victim upon the altar, Christ prayed to His Father for all who believe in Him: that they all may be one; even as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us, so that the world may believe that thou has sent me. FLORENTINUM, Sess. This cooperation, which has already begun in many countries, should be developed more and more, particularly in regions where a social and technical evolution is taking place be it in a just evaluation of the dignity of the human person, the establishment of the blessings of peace, the application of Gospel principles to social life, the advancement of the arts and sciences in a truly Christian spirit, or also in the use of various remedies to relieve the afflictions of our times such as famine and natural disasters, illiteracy and poverty, housing shortage and the unequal distribution of wealth. It is most important that future shepherds and priests should have mastered a theology that has been carefully worked out in this way and not polemically, especially with regard to those aspects which concern the relations of separated brethren with the Catholic Church. The Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity addressed this theme in detail at its Plenary Assembly in 2001. Unitatis Redintegratio, n. 14). Last year was the 25th anniversary of Ut Unum Sint in which Pope John Paul II confirmed that the Church's commitment to ecumenism is . Catholics, in their ecumenical work, must assuredly be concerned for their separated brethren, praying for them, keeping them informed about the Church, making the first approaches toward them. : H. Petri, Die rmisch-katholische Kirche and die kumene, in: Handbuch der kumenik, vol. The Council is the Magna Charta for the Church's journey in the 21st century (cf. Author: Phil Crosby. Unitatis Redintegratio, n. 23). Online piracy needs to be dealt with itself, because people are just wholesale stealing people's work and not paying for it. This Sacred Council is gratified to note that the participation by the Catholic faithful in ecumenical work is growing daily. Pius XII went a step further. What has revealed the love of God among us is that the Father has sent into the world His only-begotten Son, so that, being made man, He might by His redemption give new life to the entire human race and unify it. [21] Cf. Decree on Ecumenism Unitatis Redintegratio Introduction 1. The Council, therefore, knew that forms of holiness exist outside the Catholic Church which can even reach the point of martyrdom (cf. Set your heights more than what you see around you, see beyond. 3 ff.). However, the heritage handed down by the apostles was received with differences of form and manner, so that from the earliest times of the Church it was explained variously in different places, owing to diversities of genius and conditions of life. For God is always wonderful in His works and worthy of all praise. The attainment of union is the concern of the whole Church, faithful and shepherds alike. But we rejoice to see that our separated brethren look to Christ as the source and center of Church unity. Whenever the Sacrament of Baptism is duly administered as Our Lord instituted it, and is received with the right dispositions, a person is truly incorporated into the crucified and glorified Christ, and reborn to a sharing of the divine life, as the Apostle says: You were buried together with Him in Baptism, and in Him also rose again - through faith in the working of God, who raised Him from the dead.[40]. The words of St. John hold good about sins against unity: If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us. However, "very weighty differences" exist, "not only of a historical, sociological, psychological and cultural character, but especially in the interpretation of revealed truth" (Unitatis Redintegratio, n. 19). The term ecumenical movement indicates the initiatives and activities planned and undertaken, according to the various needs of the Church and as opportunities offer, to promote Christian unity. The basic idea of the Second Vatican Council and in particular the Decree on Ecumenism can be summed up in one word: communio.14 The term is important for a proper understanding of the issue of the "elementa ecclesiae". There from the glorious times of the holy Fathers, monastic spirituality flourished which, then later flowed over into the Western world, and there provided the source from which Latin monastic life took its rise and has drawn fresh vigor ever since. Pope John XXIII was responsible for taking the first steps. Ricezione e attualit alla luce del Giubileo, ed. 4, Bologna, 1999, 436-446. No. ), Norman P. Tanner (Washington. All in the Church must preserve unity in essentials. Ecumenism, quo vadis? This expression, still fairly vague in the Decree on Ecumenism, was taken up and developed in the Tomos Agapis,19 the exchange of Messages between Pope Paul VI and the Ecumenical Patriarch Athenagoras. 14. ), and that ecumenism is "one of the pastoral priorities" of his Pontificate (ibid., n. 99). Ut Unum Sint, n. 3, et al. It was promulgated on 21 November 1964 and represented a huge shift in the official teaching of the Roman Catholic Church, although signs of change had been evident earlier. Already from the earliest times the Eastern Churches followed their own forms of ecclesiastical law and custom, which were sanctioned by the approval of the Fathers of the Church, of synods, and even of ecumenical councils. All the faithful should remember that the more effort they make to live holier lives according to the Gospel, the better will they further Christian unity and put it into practice. Thanks to "subsistit in", the Council was able to make a remarkable qualitative leap. The Council observed that with regard to the differences, it is often a matter of complementary rather than conflicting elements (cf. 'Subsistit in' expresses a historically concrete ecclesiology. Ut Unum Sint, n. 95). Incorporation into the Church reaches its fullness with the Eucharist, which is the source, fulcrum and summit of Christian and ecclesial life (cf. On 21 November 1964, the Second Vatican Council solemnly promulgated the Decree on Ecumenism, Unitatis Redintegratio. Consequently, "subsistit in" is erroneously interpreted when it is made the basis of pluralism or ecclesiological relativism, asserting that the one and only Church of Christ subsists in numerous Churches and that the Catholic Church is merely one Church alongside others. There can be no ecumenism worthy of the name without a change of heart. It is, of course, essential that the doctrine should be clearly presented in its entirety. "Their ecumenical activity cannot be other than fully and sincerely Catholic, that is, loyal to the truth we have received from the Apostles and the Fathers, and in harmony with the faith which the Catholic Church has always professed" (Unitatis Redintegratio, n. 24). Vatican II's Decree on Ecumenism (Unitatis Redintegratio) was issued on November 21, 1964, the same day as the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church and the Decree on the Catholic Eastern Churches . Christ summons the Church to continual reformation as she sojourns here on earth. Moreover, in ecumenical dialogue, Catholic theologians standing fast by the teaching of the Church and investigating the divine mysteries with the separated brethren must proceed with love for the truth, with charity, and with humility. The Western schism that was brought about by the Reformation in the 16th century is of another nature. 5, 11, 24; Ut Unum Sint, nn. 5-8); Ut Unum Sint, nn. To the extent that we are united to Christ, we will all be united to one another as well, and will actuate in all its fullness the catholicity proper to the Church. Online piracy needs to be dealt with itself, because people are just wholesale stealing people's work and not paying for it. Moreover, it is thanks to this that the new Pentecost announced by John XXIII in his Opening Address to the Council makes head way. The children who are born into these Communities and who grow up believing in Christ cannot be accused of the sin involved in the separation, and the Catholic Church embraces upon them as brothers, with respect and affection. 7 reviews Get A Copy Amazon Stores Published (first published June 1st 2014) More Details. The restoration of unity among all Christians is one of the principal concerns of the Second Vatican Council. Lumen Gentium, n. 7), gives the unity and diversity of gifts and ministries (cf. Every renewal of the Church[27] is essentially grounded in an increase of fidelity to her own calling. Is it ideal? Given in Rome at St. Peter's, November 21, 1964. 4, 16 ff.). The Council moreover professes its awareness that human powers and capacities cannot achieve this holy objective - the reconciling of all Christians in the unity of the one and only Church of Christ. [31] So we humbly beg pardon of God and of our separated brethren, just as we forgive them that trespass against us. 4, 29). [ 31] So we humbly beg pardon of God and of our separated brethren, just as we forgive them that trespass against us. She journeys on to fully achieve her nature in life. After being lifted up on the cross and glorified, the Lord Jesus poured forth His Spirit as He had promised, and through the Spirit He has called and gathered together the people of the New Covenant, who are the Church, into a unity of faith, hope and charity, as the Apostle teaches us: There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to the one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one Baptism. Most valuable for this purpose are meetings of the two sides - especially for discussion of theological problems - where each can treat with the other on an equal footing - provided that those who take part in them are truly competent and have the approval of the bishops. but we can pray with non-Catholics in the sense of praying "in their presence.". Ut Unum Sint, n. 88). For it is from renewal of the inner life of our minds,[28] from self-denial and an unstinted love that desires of unity take their rise and develop in a mature way. 4 Irenaeus of Lyons, Adversus Haereses III, 24, 1 (Sources chrtiennes, n. 211, Paris, 1974, 472). Originally, communio and communio sanctorum did not designate the communities of Christians, but their participation (participatio) in the goods of salvation, in the sancta, that is, in the sacramenta. Top Unitatis Redintegratio Quotes. On several occasions the Pope has said that the ecumenical venture is irrevocable (cf. Hey, Ocean Eyes," my father said. Profundizando en cuestiones planteadas desde la encclica Ut unun sint, el decreto Unitatis Redintegratio, el Directorio para aplicacin de normas de ecumenismo y el Vademcum ecumnico "los obispos y la #unidaddeloscristianos " 4, 7, 12, 49; Apostolicam Actuositatem, n. 3; Ad Gentes nn. In the Decree Unitatis Redintegratio, the Second Vatican Council recognized that the ecumenical movement is a sign of the Holy Spirit's action and said that it considered the promotion of this movement to be one of its principal tasks. 24 M. Luther, De captivitate Babylonica ecclesiae praeludium (1520): WA 560 ff. CONC. 11; 14; Unitatis Redintegratio, n. 22). Even in the beginnings of this one and only Church of God there arose certain rifts,[19] which the Apostle strongly condemned. Lumen Gentium, nn. It includes conversion and renewal, without which there can be no ecumenism or dialogue, because ecumenism, rather than an exchange of ideas, is an exchange of gifts. Hence a matter of primary concern and care among the Easterns, in their local churches, has been, and still is, to preserve the family ties of common faith and charity which ought to exist between sister Churches. All rights reserved. ), and in particular the "Common Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification" (1999). Nevertheless, our separated brethren, whether considered as individuals or as Communities and Churches, are not blessed with that unity which Jesus Christ wished to bestow on all those who through Him were born again into one body, and with Him quickened to newness of life - that unity which the Holy Scriptures and the ancient Tradition of the Church proclaim. To preserve this faith these Churches have suffered and still suffer much. CONC. Ecumenical Quotes. These most certainly can truly engender a life of grace in ways that vary according to the condition of each Church or Community. These liturgical actions must be regarded as capable of giving access to the community of salvation. We believe that Our Lord entrusted all the blessings of the New Covenant to the apostolic college alone, of which Peter is the head, in order to establish the one Body of Christ on earth to which all should be fully incorporated who belong in any way to the people of God. It is hardly surprising, then, if from time to time one tradition has come nearer to a full appreciation of some aspects of a mystery of revelation than the other, or has expressed it to better advantage. [23] Cf. This is the sacred mystery of the unity of the Church, in Christ and through Christ, the Holy Spirit energizing its various functions. Our thoughts turn first to those Christians who make open confession of Jesus Christ as God and Lord and as the sole Mediator between God and men, to the glory of the one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Although the ecumenical movement and the desire for peace with the Catholic Church have not yet taken hold everywhere, it is our hope that ecumenical feeling and mutual esteem may gradually increase among all men. This council wishes to set before all Catholics the ways in which they can respond and take action. I seldom look back, only forward in anticipation of the next greater now. Undoubtedly this is the basis of the movement toward unity. Yet worship in common (communicatio in sacris) is not to be considered as a means to be used indiscriminately for the restoration of Christian unity. | Contact Us Cattolici e ortodossi in dialogo, Rome, 2004. The difference is accentuated when it is a question of the Eucharist. Mhler and J.H. We should therefore pray to the Holy Spirit for the grace to be genuinely self-denying, humble. These are: first, every effort to avoid expressions, judgments and actions which do not represent the condition of our separated brethren with truth and fairness and so make mutual relations with them more difficult; then, dialogue between competent experts from different Churches and Communities. Lumen Gentium, nn. As a spiritual movement, the ecumenical movement does not uproot Tradition. This concern itself reveals already to some extent the bond of brotherhood between all Christians and it helps toward that full and perfect unity which God in His kindness wills. 6. They contemplate in the Scriptures the life of Christ and what the Divine Master taught and did for our salvation, especially the mysteries of His death and resurrection. ) and that Ecumenism is the `` Common Declaration on the doctrine Justification. Access to the Community of salvation Christian religion is irrevocable ( cf accentuated when is... Qualitative leap essential that the participation by the Fathers of the whole Church, and. 1439 ), Definitio Laetentur caeli: Mansi 31, 1026 E. [ ]... Body, which is the concern of the ecumenical movement ( cf of. Is a question of the Church therefore needs purification and renewal and must ceaselessly take the way in 21st... Be regarded as capable of giving access to the condition of each Church or Community certainly can truly engender life... 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unitatis redintegratio quotes

unitatis redintegratio quotes