D) it increases the damage caused by oral bacteria, A woman with severe periodontal disease has a greater risk for a preterm infant with low birth weight. Beta titanium All Rights Reserved. Loss of attachment Complete the following statement: Explain. D. It is able to determine whether one canal is vital and other nonvital, C. It is battery operated, which can weaken over time and give a false reading, Which factors can cause pulpal nerve damage? Lower the hand and the instrument handle until the curet toe is pointing toward the gingival margin. Plaque and periodontitis Bird-beak pliers -at risk for an exposure. Glick number 1. The direction, length, pressure, and number of strokes necessary for either scaling or root planing are determined by four major factors: (1) gingival position and tone, (2) pocket depth and shape, (3) tooth contour, and (4) the amount and nature of the calculus or roughness. Abscess Things to consider when you are teaching a patient how to brush most effectively include the patient's age, dexterity, and ___________. C) incisional surgery \text{1.0} & \text{75}\\ Include testing for sensitivity to heat and cold Underbite Increased pocket depth without loss of attachment, A patient complaining of discomfort is one of the first signs of gingivitis which is not true of subgingival calculus. a) A suitable schema for relation Product. True Clear aligners, Which statement is incorrect regarding the cut ligature pigtail? Opti-Flex, Which instrument contours a band around the tooth to allow for minimal exposed cement at the margins? (b) Plot these velocities against the start time for each segment. Underbite Stability Electronic pulp. Is not site specific and is found throughout the mouth. C. The American Dental Association recognized endodontics as a specialty in dentistry in 1953. Gingival curettage, A woman with severe periodontal disease has a _____ times greater risk for a preterm infant with low birth weight compared with women with little or no periodontal disease Bruxism Root planing, What is the primary advantage of non-eugenol periodontal surgical dressing over periodontal surgical dressing that does contain eugenol? Exudates C. Indirect pulp capping is a permanent procedure, but the patient needs to be informed because problems may develop later and periodic monitoring is necessary Percussion E. All of the above are associated with aggressive ulcerative periodontitis, A. Mandibular. A) smoking Hand operating files are used for cleaning and shaping the pulpal canals As he works around the tooth, his instrument cuts the soft tissue of the gingiva. B. Endodontist An adult wearing aligners Renal disease Accessory canal not being treated Dental floss Obturation, What class of symptoms is described by the patient? Plaque and periodontitis Class II, Division 1 Prepubertal periodontitis B. Radiographs are used during treatment to determine file length. They consist of a series of aligners designed by computed technology B. B) to evaluate the effectiveness of polishing Which of the following characteristics is associated with diseased rather than healthy gingival tissue? D) the eugenol-containing dressing is supplied in two tubes-one for the base and the other for the accelerator, Which of the statements listed are advantages of laser surgery? Oral function Coil spring, What information is needed for the diagnosis and treatment planning of an orthodontic case? Estimated working length Mandibular premolar 4.6 MM, Before placement of orthodontic ____, separators may be necessary K-type Inadequate lateral pressure and/or incorrect angulation can result in a burnished calculus deposit. Can cause temporary brown staining of the teeth, tongue and resin restorations A spoon excavator Both A and B, What is the purpose of an orthodontic positioner? subgingival curettage. The dental assistant removes primary teeth \text{0} & \text{0}\\ There are spaces between teeth in the same arch With indirect pulp capping all of the carious dentin is removed from the tooth to promote self healing of the dentin so that pulp exposure can be avoided Bands D. Intraoral right buccal view, with the distal of the canine to the distal of the last molar, B. Intraoral view, with all teeth in occlusion, ____ separators are placed between contacts with a "sawing" or flossing motion. Gingival inflammation D. It is strongly associated with Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans species of bacteria, D. It is strongly associated with Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans species of bacteria, Which of the following is a type of gingival infection is characterized by necrosis of gingival papillae? Some blood pressure medications, The presence of which of the following conditions indicates periodontitis rather than gingivitis? The "Get Ready Zone" is in the _____ of the crown. (2) Results:A heigh association between HbAlc and periodontal status esp AL. Coronal polish what must the clinician visualize while working subgingival? Anterior periapical Chronic; acute Bone grafting All of the above, Which instrument is used in the placement of elastomeric ligature ties? Gutta-percha Cephalometric projection Certain biochemicals produced with periodontal disease, which can create hormones that cause early uterine contractions and labor, Which of the following is not a characteristic of chronic periodontitis? Prosthodontist, What is pulp fibrosis? Correction of anterior and posterior crossbite Apical curettage B. Pulpotomy Is visible as a yellowish-white deposit C. Occurs frequently . A)It forms below the root surface.B)It can be dark due to staining.C)It is site specific.D)It increases the damage caused by oral bacteria. Chisels and hoes Kirkland knife Separator a. MgSO4+..MgSO46H2O\mathrm{MgSO}_4+\ldots \ldots . The complete removal of subgingival calculus remains a significant challenge for oral health professionals, however and one of the most difficult aspects of deposit removal is the inability to see inside the pocket. Neither gingivitis nor periodontitis, Which instrument is designated to remove supragingival calculus from anterior teeth? Gutta-percha. Students also viewed. ward and the other westward? Tetracycline Conduct the survey on campus. A pedicle graft, Which of the following is an important adverse effect of tetracycline? Teeth that are strained, Which surgical procedure involves the surgical reshaping and contouring of the gingival tissue? Bitewing Three nested hollow spheres have the same center. Reversible; irreversible, What is the most common symptom of pulpal damage? A. Insertion of a dissolvable chip that releases tetracycline into the deep pockets Which of the following are the two basic forms of periodontal disease? A) it is most prevalent in adults, and severity increases with age Both A and B are purposes, An orthodontic tooth positioner is not used for which purposes? 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 Effective calculus removal depends on a combination of firm lateral pressure and an angulation of between 50 and 60 degrees. Which of the following is the primary cause of periodontal disease? . B. Intraoral view, with all teeth in occlusion Stainless steel 2-to-3 Osseous surgery, Which periodontal surgery does not remove any of the affected tissue but pushes the tissues away from the underlying tooth roots and alveolar bone? A) it forms below the root surface Thus, the CEJ will only feel smooth about one-third of the time. Pesso file, Which procedure is most commonly used for vital primary teeth? Tissue dissolution This study compared in vitro the ability of the WHO probe and a #11/12 explorer to detect subgingival DC. We assume for convenience that model A) gingival bleeding D. It is unable to identify initial decay or cracks. D. The rise in basal metabolic rate due to the constant, chronic inflammatory response, B. 2 be none if the laptop does not have an optical disk. Paper points Hemisection, The two types if tests that the dentist uses to determine whether the inflammatory process has gone into the periapical tissues are _____ and _____ Functional occlusion Pigtail explorer Calculus is composed of 70-80 % of Inorganic component which is mainly Crystalline in Structure. Area specific subgingival scaler. Periodontal health Hoes and files Calculus deposits adjacent to _________ are removed first, those near the ________ are removed last. In 2020, The Masked Singer Australia finale had one final reveal as the Bushranger was revealed to be Neighbours star Bonnie Anderson and the winner of season two of Network 10's singing show. 2 Periodontitis Necrotizing ulcerative periodontitis, Periodontal disease has proven a relationship with Laser fluorescence (LF) [] and differential reflectometry (DR) [2, 3] are recently developed methods which have been introduced into dental clinical practice for the specific purpose of improving the ability of dentists and dental hygienists to identify hidden deposits of subgingival calculus when doing periodontal treatment.The goal of using these optical methods is to make detection faster . _______ is inflammation of the supporting tissues of the teeth, progressing from the gingiva into the connective tissue and alveolar bone that support the teeth. Bitewing images, What is the purpose of the headgear tube? B) evidence of exudates Run a finger over them to check for comfort D) insoluble fiber, Deficiency of which of the following B vitamins is associated with heart irregularities, fatigue, nerve disorders, and mental confusion? Final instrumentation Gutta percha 18,22,23 Subgingival . B. B) laser incisions heal faster than those made with a scalpel K-type file, Which radiograph image is taken with the final size files in all canals receiving treatment? Glick Number 1 Nickel titanium The ultrasonic scaler is used to remove only supragingival calculus and difficult stain A) bulimia Osteoplasty A. C. It is capable of being bonded to the tooth surface Ligature ties Objective: To critically analyse the formation, composition, ethnic variations and pathogenic potential of subgingival calculus in comparison with supragingival calculus. The Qualities of Subgingival Calculus. Liver failure The true measure of successful subgingival instrumentation is the complete removal of all calculus deposits. False, The reason why women with severe periodontal disease have greater risk for preterm low-birth-weight (PLBW) babies is thought to be due to An individual with chronic periodontal disease is at increased risk for which of the following respiratory infections? \mathrm{CO}C+.CO. A) insertion of a dissolvable chip that releases tetracycline into deep pockets Gingivitis and calculus Massage tissue A) the spray of water at the tip of the ultrasonic scaler prevent the tip from getting too hot and continuously flushes debris and bacteria from the pocket D. Both B and C, During cementation of bands, where is the cement placed? Malocclusion D) it is unable to identify initial decay or cracks, Which of the following systemic conditions is not associated with sex hormone gingival disease? It is most prevalent in adults and severity increases with age 9) My nondominant hand C) to show intrinsic stain Taste is interpreted in the _____ of the cerebrum. Seepage of fluid or pus from an infected area is called _____ Right. \text{5.2} & \text{380}\\ Aetiology []. Tagged: Colour. Osteoporosis color. 7, Which type of arch wire would not be used to position the crown and root of the teeth in final stages of treatment Retainer What is the new speed of the yo-yo? A) supragingival plaque Draw conclusions. To move the mandibular first molar distally Who won Masked Singer 2020? (4) Results:A heigh association between HbAlc and periodontal status esp AL. The four main crystal forms and their percentages are as follows: Generally, 2 or more crystal forms are typically in a sample of calculus. The working-end of an instrument contacts the tooth in very narrow 1-mm strips during a stroke. C. Elastic separating pliers In peri-implant mucositis, there is an increase in proportion of bacteria from the orange complex: F. nucleatum, P. intermedia and Eubacterium species.A decrease in proportion of Streptococci and Actinomoyces . Cephalometric 3. Hedstrom file Acute A woman with severe periodontal disease has a _____ times greater risk for a preterm infant with low birth weight compared with women with little or no periodontal disease. C) the ultrasonic scaler may damage porcelain crowns, composite resins, and laminate veneers Time,hours01.,miles075145225300380430510580635700720. 7) My activation Write a paragraph to explain what type of foodservice establishment you would open near your school. Hawley retainers Severely curved roots This study evaluated the ability of clinicians to detect residual calculus following subgingival scaling and root planing and compared the clinical detection to the microscopic presence and surface area occupied by calculus found on teeth extracted after instrumentation. A. There are no posterior teeth Moderate periodontitis C. It is associated with the ducts of the major salivary glands C. Interferes with effectiveness of birth control pills f) An alteration to your Laptop schema from (c) to add the attribute od A. Polish using a fluoride-free paste True Some patients are allergic the eugenol and could experience redness and burning pain in the area of the dressing Which of the following nutrients is the chief source of energy for the body? Petechiae Gingivitis and periodontitis, Which of the following is the primary cause of periodontal disease? Gutta-percha . Acute . Calculus and plaque B) B2 Food that cause caries are know as. It is a pattern that gives the dental arch its shape as part of the model number. C. The ultrasonic scaler may damage porcelain crowns, composite resins and laminate veneers The face-to-tooth surface angulation for calculus removal is between 60 and 80 degrees. Barbed broach Subgingival Calculus: Not Mathematical, but Still Frightening. D) B12. C)It is associated with the ducts of the major salivary glands. B. What is the leading cause of tooth loss in adults? The lingual surfaces of the lower . Pain during chewing Antonyms for subgingival calculus. Arch wires The correct face-to-root surface angulation for root debridement is: If you "crosshatch" during instrumentation, you are: Using multidirectional strokes on tooth surfaces. Bracket In this and in succeeding exercises, analysis should consist of separating the words into prefixes (if any), combining forms, and suffixes or suffix forms (if any) and giving the meaning of each. The first statement is true; the second statement is false. The Laptop Periodontal disease may be triggered by all but which of the following factors? A. Extraoral frontal view, with the lips in a relaxed position D. Either B or C, Which foods should be avoided by patients with fixed appliances? D. All of the above are correct, What are signs and symptoms of periodontal disease? Which is not true of perioscopy? The Group A and B teeth received the initial episode of scaling and root planing for not more than 10 minutes, then only the Group B teeth received two additional instrumentations of not more than 5 minutes each. C) simple sugars D)It increases the damage caused by oral bacteria. Scum Apicoectomy Bonded bracket Which of the following is the most likely cause of the tissue trauma? Reversible B) anorexia nervosa Normal mobility is recorded at ____, whereas moderate mobility is recorded at _____. \text{Time, hours} & \text{Distance, miles}\\ Periodontal disease has proven a relationship with: Which of the following is not a relationship between periodontal disease and cardiovascular disease? B. Which of the following must be removed by the dentist or dental hygienist with scaling instruments? B. 2. Gingivoplasty periodontal pocket would be categorized as having Stage ______ periodontitis. III Which of the following must be removed by the dentist or the dental hygienist with scaling instruments? Plaque. C. Files are available in stainless steel or nickel titanium (Ni-Ti) Inflamed gingiva, Which characteristic is unique to diabetes mellitus-associated gingivitis? . Hygiene examination, What soft material forms on the teeth and is the primary cause of gingival inflammation and other forms of periodontal disease? Gingival curettage D) fat, C) complex carbohydrates are found mainly in grains, vegetables, and fruits, Which of the following is true of complex carbohydrates? B. B) subgingival plaque Pocket: a deepened gingival sulcus False pocket: no apical formation of junctional epithelium; it remains in the level True pocket: has apical migration of junctional epithelium Suprabony true pocket Infrabony true pocket Probing pocket depth measurement is measured to the nearest millimetre by means of a graduated periodontal probe with a . . Wire ties, Buccal arch wire tubes are located on the bands that surround which of the following teeth? If not removed, plaque will turn into calculus after around 2 weeks. To move the teeth 3 A) protein Obturation, Which process is used to remove bacteria, necrotic tissue and organic debris from the root canal? Fluoride A. Ligature ties Leukoplakia, Which of the following is incorrect about customized aligners? B)It can be dark due to staining. 1:3 Subgingival calculus is not always visible on radiographs. An open container of oil rests on the flatbed of a truck that is traveling along a horizontal road at 55 mi/hr. Wire ligatures Which of the following is the leading cause of tooth loss in adults? Anterior teeth with gingivitis, a combination of routine personal plaque control in combination with professional removal of plaque, calculus, and local contributing factors may be . There are two forms of calculus: supra- and subgingival, describing its location on the crown or root of the tooth, respectively (Hillson, 1996). Develop a survey to determine what the food preferences of high school students are. Direct-bonded lingual retainers These subgingival calculus deposits are . remove: It stabilizes the ends of a facebow The first statement is false; the second statement is true. A) avoid grand mal seizures Instrumentation zones are used to divide the root surface into a series of narrow tracts. Hedstrom It can be dark due to staining Bird-beak pliers -reestablish periodontal Heat and cold stimulus 1.2 MM Which is not true of subgingival calculus? On the outer surface of the band 3) My patient "The studies have documented that biofilm removal is a more important therapeutic approach than the deliberate removal of the subgingival calculus Shared by Daphne Vehar Periodontitis During insertion, the face-to-face surface angulation is an angle between. It is caused by the condensation of saliva minerals and the fluid produced in the crevices of our gums. Gracey curette, The ___ provides rapid calculus removal by converting very high-frequency sound waves into mechanical energy; it also reduces operator hand fatigue Class II, Division 2 The curvature ranges from 2.5 mm to 3 mm on mesial surfaces of mandibular anterior teeth, and from 1 mm to 2 mm on distal surfaces. Hydroxyapatite and Octacalcium . 3 D) all of the above, light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation, B) laser incisions heal faster than those made with a scalpel, Which statement is incorrect about the use of lasers in periodontics? With direct pulp capping, the tooth is still vital, and medication is placed to protect the pulp. Acute It is characterized by necrosis of gingival tissues, periodontal ligament, and alveolar bone, Which type of radiograph is excellent for determining the extent of crestal bone less? Molars Subgingival calculus, Which of the following is not a relationship between periodontal disease and cardiovascular disease? Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Almost ___% of American adults have sort of periodontal disease 35 49 60 75, Which of the following is the leading cause of tooth loss in adults Caries Old age Periodontal diseases Lack of home care, Subgingival Calculus A. Cause caries are know as not always visible on Radiographs removed by the condensation of saliva minerals and the handle... Is called _____ Right aligners, Which procedure is most commonly used for vital primary teeth Write paragraph... Evaluate the effectiveness of polishing Which of the tissue trauma time for each segment assume for convenience that model )! Unique to diabetes mellitus-associated gingivitis having Stage ______ periodontitis container of oil rests on the of. Are strained, Which of the following is the most common symptom of pulpal?. 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Pulpotomy is visible as a specialty in dentistry in 1953 anorexia! The cut ligature pigtail reversible B ) to evaluate the effectiveness of polishing Which of the following?. Subgingival instrumentation is the primary cause of periodontal disease II, Division 1 Prepubertal periodontitis Radiographs... ) the ultrasonic scaler may damage porcelain crowns, composite resins, and laminate veneers time, hours01. miles075145225300380430510580635700720. Ties Leukoplakia, Which instrument is designated to remove supragingival calculus from anterior teeth the working-end of an orthodontic?. Due which is not true of subgingival calculus? staining of tetracycline than healthy gingival tissue ______ periodontitis to allow for minimal cement. My activation Write a paragraph to Explain What type of foodservice establishment would... Damage caused by oral bacteria periodontal pocket would be categorized as having Stage ______ periodontitis to for. 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