jeff cooper rules


3) Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on the target. It is a tough choice, but there is only one right answer. 4) Identify your target and what is behind it. To date, a more effective method of managing the fighting pistol has yet to be brought forward.. In 1976, American Pistol Institute (API) located in Arizona was also founded by Cooper. He received a regular commission in the . . Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles. Originally meant for military applications, the principles he shared quickly spread to those concerned about their self-defense. He took rifle and shotgun classes to military personnel and law enforcement agencies and civilians. Not only did Baldwin break the No. Gun News, Gun Reviews, and Self Defense Tips, You use of this website constitutes and manifests your acceptance of our. . LAST CHANCE >> Enter to WIN Christensen Arms Modern Hunting Rifle in FREE GUN FRIDAY! While their have been some slight modifications to these, depending on whos saying them, the premise is always the same. It is as much of a lifestyle as it is a skill. Let's begin with Cooper's first rule: all guns are always loaded. They will not accept the truth that if you take all the guns off the street you still will have a crime problem, whereas if you take the criminals off the street you cannot have a gun problem. Medical Bag Updates: Repacking & Maintaining Over the Counter Medications Go-To Preparedness Bags and Food Selections Most of the reflexes involved in the Modern Technique do not require that a shot be fired. Never point a weapon at anything you don't intend to shoot. Do likewise. The more we all know, the better organized and stronger the shooting and hunting community will be. In today's lesson, Jeff explains The Power Of ORB's (Opening Range Breakouts). It is a tool of power, and thus dependent completely upon the moral stature of its user. If you resist, you just may get killed. Know what it is, what is in line with it, and what is behind it. When you have confirmed that its not loaded, continue with the mindset that it is loaded. (For those who insist that this particular gun is unloaded, see Rule 1.) #Inspirational #Guitar #Gun Control. With our over emphases on safety, our team added rule number 5. According to Herodotus, the ancient Persians felt that what was necessary in the background of a young man entering adulthood was his ability to ride, shoot straight, and speak the truth. Skills we advocate to get you through anything life throws at you. The trouble with democracy is that 50 percent of the voters are below average. There are four firearms safety rules almost universally accepted by training operations, law enforcement agencies, and any other entities that are involved with the handling and use of firearms. The only acceptable response to the threat of lethal violence is immediate and savage counterattack. Nobody who does not know these rules should touch a gun, much less tell anyone else how to handle a gun (legislators take note). Cooper wrote extensively in defense of firearms rights. July 25, 2022 Updated 3:25 PM PT. Situational awareness is a term shared in countless classes and training programs, yet few people discuss in detail what it really is. Thank you. Rule # 2 setups are only setups. 1, 1993, "With this issue, I am abandoning the editorial 'we' along with reference to Gunsite in the title since I no longer exercise control over the output of the Gunsite Press. What is a reasonable person supposed to do when he hears . Never let the muzzle cover anything you are not willing to destroy. 1. 12. In high school, Jeff enrolled in Junior ROTC. His insightful teachings on modern technique, safety rules, and gun conditions are a commonsense approach to safety and defense that will never go out of style. and became Coopers platform for teaching his modern technique of the pistol. They are not afraid of criminals. The pistols chamber is empty, a magazine is inserted, and the hammer is down. He later served in the Pacific during World War II, earning the rank of major. I don't know whether that is true or not. This rule applies to fighting as well as daily carrying and range practice. Anyone who uses a gun would be wise to take heed of this advice from an expert in the safe use of small arms: Rule #1Assume all guns are always loaded: This is a straightforward rule without exceptions. The essence of good marksmanship is self-control, and self-control is the essence of good citizenship. In addition to his books on firearms and self-defense, Cooper wrote several books recounting his life adventures plus essays and short stories, including Fire Works (1980); Another Country: Personal Adventures of the Twentieth Century (1992); To Ride, Shoot Straight and Speak the Truth (1988); and C Stories (2004). I would strongly agree that a single action gun without a firing pin block (safety) should not be carried with a round in the chamber and the hammer down. The times when you may be in this condition are when you are sleeping or safely settled in at home for the evening. The ability to stay in Condition Yellow takes conscious effort in the beginning, but it will shortly become second nature. Be tough. However, with each right comes an equal . Thanks to the generosity of our supporting members and occasionally earning money from qualifying purchases as an Amazon Associate, (when you click our Amazon links) weve eliminated annoying ads and content. Thus we must regard them as servants, not masters - and good servants to good men. This is the base level of awareness and the springboard for any further escalations in conditions. Hoplophobia [fear of guns], of course, is not simply an attitude but rather an aberration in which the sufferer clings to an idea which he himself knows to be unsound, such as the idea that inanimate instruments have a will of their own or that lawbreakers abide by the law. If someone hands you a firearm and says, "Don't worry, it's not loaded," you do not dare believe him. Evan Craig -, Logan Toland is an 18 year old competitive shooter, Understanding Different 12-Gauge Shotgun Load Types, 300 Blackout Effective Range & Best Barrel Length, Survival & Backpacking Water Filter Tests, Best 9mm Ammo: Plinking, Training & Home Defense. As the shooting hand pushes forward, the support hand pulls back, allowing for faster multiple shots. The felon does not fear the police, and he fears neither judge nor jury. Let us browse through the quotes and thoughts by Jeff Cooper on wise, man, smart, guitar, safety, hands, survive, momentum, change, family, citizen, police, department, development and more. Rule 4: Be sure of your target. Jeff Cooper's Hit and Run Report Providing market timing since 1996 Many Somalis would chew the drug Khat all day and the effects of the drug would both curb their appetite and increase their pain tolerance. Click the Learn More button below for details. Proof of Col. Coopers legacy is evident in every basic to advanced shooting class we know about. Blessed are those who, in the face of death, think only about the front sight. Make these rules a part of your character. Cooper's modern technique defines pragmatic use of the pistol for personal protection. To add more books, click here . (NRA please take note.) A round is chambered, a magazine is inserted, and the hammer is down. 1, No. The Gunsite Scout Rifle is based upon Col. Jeff Cooper's scout rifle concept. It involves pulling the trigger and lowering the hammer with a live round in the chamber. 13. Condition White represents a state of complete unawareness and unpreparedness. Terrorism" by Jeff Cooper, Jeff Cooper's words are in bold.All the rest is additional explanation. Under sufficient stress, and with the finger already placed on the trigger, an unexpected movement, misstep or surprise could result in a negligent discharge. It must be due to all those Kalashnikov rifles that are issued to prisoners upon their incarceration. He sold the firm in 1992 but continued living on the Paulden ranch. Note the following from Thomas Jefferson: The strongest reason for the people to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against the tyranny of government. These are broken up into four sections. After the war, Cooper earned a masters degree and taught high school and community college until he decided to combine his flair for teaching and his passion for firearms by founding the. Be aware of your surroundings, whether on the range or in a fight. All thats required is to draw and disengage the safety. 7, GGG3, pg. It is up to the private citizen to protect himself and his family, and this is not only acceptable, but mandatory. Medical Bag Updates: Repacking & Maintaining Over the Counter Medications, Go-To Preparedness Bags and Food Selections, Consider the Three Ps Before Packing for Your Next Trip, read this article if you carry your weapon in a leather holster or carry a weapon with a trigger safety. Cooper defined his goal: a general-purpose rifle is a conveniently portable, individually operated firearm, capable of striking a single decisive blow on a live target of up to 200 kilos in weight at any distance at which the operator can shoot with the precision necessary to place a shot in a vital area of the target. Dont ever put yourself into a situation where you end up saying, I didnt know the gun was loaded!. shelved 3,581 times Showing 30 distinct works. Cooper's four rules, in wide use today, are: 1. You may need a free hand for something important. May he never choose you, but, if he does, surprise him." ~ Jeff Cooper. [20] He is buried at the Arizona Pioneers' Home Cemetery in Prescott. These people fight small wars amongst themselves. Follow thru is key. Col. Cooper is perhaps best known for popularizing the "four rules" of gun safety and the Modern Technique of the Pistol, which he taught at the shooting school he founded, the world-famous. Jeff Cooper was, besides a world-class shottist, a "wordsmith" and author of some renown. Jeff Cooper The police cannot protect the citizen at this stage of our development, and they cannot even protect themselves in many cases. The origination of these four rules is attributed to Jeff Cooper, the "father" of most of the handgun manipulation techniques that are in use today. Danger abounds if you allow your finger to dawdle inside the trigger guard. . Some carriers worry about accidental discharge when getting their pistol into Condition 2. 11. A smart man only believes half of what he hears, a wise man knows which half. The API was later renamed Gunsite Academy and became Coopers platform for teaching his modern technique of the pistol. It is difficult to surprise him. Following the tragedy in Uvalde, Texas, gun control advocates have taken the anti-gun narrative to a fever pitch. They are not afraid of criminals. If you don't understand war you don't understand history. safetyrules Jeff Cooper's Rules of Gun Safety RULE I:ALL GUNS ARE ALWAYS LOADED RULE II: NEVER LET THE MUZZLE COVER ANYTHING YOU ARE NOT WILLING TO DESTROY RULE III: KEEP YOUR FINGER OFF THE TRIGGER UNTIL YOUR SIGHTS ARE ON THE TARGET RULE IV: BE SURE OF YOUR TARGET RULE I: ALL GUNS ARE ALWAYS LOADED There are no exceptions. Jeff Cooper Retweeted. Jen Juneau. In my opinion a gun should always be carried with a round in the chamber. "Principles of Personal Defense: Revised Edition", p.45, Paladin Press 159 Copy quote Condition White is essentially being unprepared to respond to any form of danger. Ideally, you know how to shoot so well that the gun has become an extension of your hand and fingers. Now it is much more complicated, but one thing is sure - any man who covers his face and packs a gun is a legitimate target for any decent citizen. Jeff Cooper's Daily Market Report. It must be due to all those Kalashnikov rifles that are issued to prisoners upon their incarceration.. One of the most respected was Colonel Jeff Cooper. Well, that just opened the floodgates for people to start besmirching Mr. Ayoob's reputation. These were his thoughts on firearms interleaved with his wide-ranging musings on many other subjects, and acquired a large U.S. and international following from the 1980s up to his death. He also wrote a series of memoirs about his adventures in the military, firearms instruction, and big-game hunting. [1], Cooper was born in Los Angeles where he enrolled in the Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps[2] at Los Angeles High School. I would also like to strongly suggest that you to read this article if you carry your weapon in a leather holster or carry a weapon with a trigger safety. They say that clothes make the man/woman. It is unprofessional, dangerous, and, perhaps most damaging to the psyche, it is klutzy looking. Condition Yellow represents a state of relaxed alert. This is because I dont have to worry about cocking a hammer with the double action pull and theres no manual safety to remove to fire. I would like very much to ensure - and in some cases I have - that any man who offers violence to his fellow citizen begets a whole lot more in return than he can enjoy. One cannot legislate the maniacs off the street these maniacs can only be shut down by an armed citizenry. (and, arguably, most important) rule of gunfighting comes from a conversation between Col. Jeff Cooper and Mark Moritz regarding whether or not there are any rules in a gunfight . Colonel Jeff Cooper's Rules of Firearm Safety Gunsite instructor Bob Whaley shares with NSSF's Mark Thomas Gunsite's 4 rules of firearm safety that when followed will help ensure the highest level of safety. Check out our historic profile here. 25, No. [citation needed], A complete bibliography of Jeff Cooper's writings from 1947 onwards is available at the Jeff Cooper Bibliography Project. Condition 3 was the military carry condition when the 1911 was the standard-issue sidearm. What may henceforth appear as 'Gunsite Gossip' will be a censored and abbreviated version of my periodical commentary. Unfortunately, the "as if" compromises the directness of the statement by implying that they are unloaded, but we will treat them as though they are loaded. I told him that it is my earnest endeavor to see that it does. The rifle features the integral forward scope mount typical of all scout rifles along with a ghost ring rear sight and a Mini-14 style protected front sight. Do likewise. This oft-violated rule should be self-explanatory. Every day we present the best quotes! Cooper was dissatisfied with the small-diameter 5.5645mm NATO (.223 Remington) of the AR-15 and envisioned a need for a large-bore (.44 caliber or greater) cartridge in a semi-automatic rifle to provide increased stopping power and one-shot kills on big-game animals at 250 yards. Depending on how long youve been shooting and what kind of instruction youve had, you may have heard of Col. Cooper before. There were a lot of rules. Condition 4: Chamber empty, no magazine in the gun, hammer down, safety on. We will get back to you within 24 hours. It amounts to social censorship, and the sooner we spit it out, the better. Whenever you pick up a gun, check it yourself. In Orange you have determined upon a specific adversary and are prepared to take action which may result in his death, but you are not in a lethal mode. Providing mRNA gene expression information for a rule in/rule out diagnosis of cancer when thyroid . . This highly influential figure in todays modern firearms training formalized and popularized the "Four Rules" of safe firearm handling. The consensus is that no more than five to ten people in a hundred who die by gunfire in Los Angeles are any loss to society. He's not thinking about his job or his image or his income tax. With practice, Condition 1 is an effective method for defending against a threat. are his carefully designed rules (and commentary) for safe gun handling. He was never a fan of political correctness, insisting it was neither political nor correct. He moves well, using his senses fully. Gann and Robert Prechter have inspired me more than anyone else. "It`s human nature to be optimistic. Knowledge and tips to give you the mental edge and prevail in any situation. Get Jeff's all-new home-study course Hit & Run Trading 2.0 for free when you start a 30 day trial for just . 10. If you don't understand weapons you don't understand fighting. 6104 W Pioneer Pkwy Ste 212Arlington, TX 76013[emailprotected]. Do not let yourself fall prey to a situation where you might feel compelled to squeal, "I didn't know it was loaded! Generally, you are unaware of what is going on around you. -- Jeff Cooper. The methods used to help with this can be turned into life games. He moves well, using his senses fully. These are based on how quickly the user can have the weapon ready to fire. Never point a weapon at anything you do not intend to shoot. Always cheat, always win. Check it. If you are attacked during this state, your response time willbe much faster. The cart, *Competitive Shooter of the Week* 5, May 1994. The handgun impressed experts in combat shooting and engineering as well. This wide spectrum of calibers developed until today along the line of the Thumper concept ranging from Wildcat cartridges to commercially available rifle/cartridge combinations and to calibers with approval through SAAMI or C.I.P. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles. Political correctness is neither political nor is it correct. [15], In late 1997, with Cooper's oversight, Steyr Mannlicher produced a rifle to his "scout" specifications. Rule # 2 setups are only setups. Most people know the four rules of firearm safety popularized by Colonel Jeff Cooper: 1.) they need to be validated. 1. Jeff Cooper is arguably the wisest man alive regarding guns. Colonel Cooper. Its dangerous to place your finger on the trigger before you have your sights on the target and are ready to fire on it. What we want to do, more than anything else is to get engaged professionals talking whether they agree with the . Cooper came up with a color code, consisting of four colors: white, yellow, orange, and red. This is a straightforward rule without exceptions. Your mind is running through a series of possible what-if scenarios as you look at options. It is a bolt-action .308 rifle with a 10-round detachable box magazine. He is also renowned as an expert of history and use of small arms. His hands and his weapons are simply extensions of his will, and one of the fallacies of our era is the notion that equipment is the equivalent of force. ", RULE II: NEVER LET THE MUZZLE COVER ANYTHING YOU ARE NOT WILLING TO DESTROY, Conspicuously and continuously violated, especially with pistols, Rule II applies whether you are involved in range practice, daily carry, or examination. Dry-practice in the home is a worthwhile habit and it will result in more deeply programmed reflexes. Therefore what he must be taught to fear is his victim. [3] He graduated from Stanford University with a bachelor's degree in political science. Do not allow the muzzle to cover your extremities, e.g. The pistols chamber is empty with the magazine removed and the hammer down. One correspondent, who is into psychology, notes that in his experience people who are hoplophobes are nearly always nutty in other ways, too. On several of the blogs I read, people often refer to the "4 rules of gun safety" and quote the rules defined by Jeff Cooper of Gunsite. After the Korean War, the Marine Corps declined his application to remain on active duty. Do not pretend that this is true. Situational awareness is much more than some tactical, combat-centric skill set. John Dean "Jeff" Cooper (May 10, 1920 September 25, 2006) was a United States Marine, the creator of the "modern technique" of handgun shooting, and an expert on the use and history of small arms. Dont ever put yourself into a situation where you end up saying, I didnt know the gun was loaded!. 1 rule, but the film crew reportedly used the same firearm that was used in Hutchins' tragic death for off-set "fun." This simple setup remains one of the easiest and quickest methods to spot short-term opportunities in any type of security. Named after a deputy sheriff who excelled in combat matches, the Weaver stance is balanced and uses a two-hand, isometric hold on the handgun. The aggressor does not fear the law, so he must be taught to fear you. The Bear Flag in the 3 rd week of December had many players betting on immediate breakage to a test of the October low or lower. "Cooper Vs. On the practical, safety side, the beautiful simplicity of this is obvious. It is generally reliable, it is comparatively inexpensive, and it is available in respectable calibers. Gun News, Gun Reviews, and Self Defense Tips, You use of this website constitutes and manifests your acceptance of our. Lt. Col. Jeff Cooper served as a U.S. Marine, and they are fond of saying that every Marine is a rifleman. Naturally his superior hearing is part of the answer, but not all of it. If so, wed love to have you as a Crew Leader by joining our annual membership! Treat every weapon as if it were loaded. The Kepler Cardigan from PDW: Versatile Adventurer Insulation. In White you are unprepared and unready to take lethal action. Never one to lean on false. Whether on TV, in the theaters, or at the range, people seem fascinated with having their finger on the trigger. [13] [14] Jeff Cooper, an influential figure in modern firearms training, formalized and popularized "Four Rules" of safe firearm handling. Never compromise them. [9], The USMC uses "Condition Black," although it was not originally part of Cooper's color code. There's a possibility this article will slaughter a few sacred cows. But it is also the condition where a negligent discharge is most likely, making some carriers very uncomfortable. To say Jeff Cooper was a bit outspoken is like saying Johnny Cash was a fair-to-middling country singer. Like the .510 Whisper round it was developed from the case of the .416 Rigby/.338 Lapua Magnum cartridge. Rule #3Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on the target: This oft-violated rule should be self-explanatory. It is too easy to say that a good shot is automatically a good man, but it would be equally incorrect to ignore the connection. John Dean Jeff Cooper died at his home on September 25, 2006, at age 86. Also known as carry conditions, the readiness conditions refer to the various ways to carry a handgun. 3. While this does not mean you instantly attack someone, you are certainly ready and waiting for a specific trigger or predetermined action that will launch the process. If you don't understand fighting you don't understand war. Cooper founded the American Pistol Institute (API) in 1976, where he taught pistol, rifle, and shotgun classes to members of the military and law enforcement. Colonel Jeff Cooper was one of the greatest tactical minds of the 20th century. The .50 Alaskan developed by Harold Johnson and Harold Fuller of the Kenai Peninsula of Alaska in the 1950s based on the .348 Winchester as well as the .45 Alaskan, .457 Wild West Magnum, and the .510 Kodiak Express are in some sense predecessors of Jeff Cooper's Thumper concept originating from the time of hunting large bears in Alaska using lever action rifles. If you are attacked in White you will probably die unless your adversary is totally inept. The Steyr Scout is Cooper's idea of what a scout rifle should be: compact, lightweight and able to reach out to targets with a heavy projectile. Fight back! The API was later renamed. February 28, 2023. He was 86. It barely touches on the things that made Jeff Cooper great: simplified firearm's safety procedures, concise rules for tactical engagement, and precise ways for matching guns to shooters. This is a heightened state of awareness in which you observe or are aware of a specific threat. With seven hundred dollars and a thirty ought six! Cooper is best known for his work in pistol training,[13] but he favored the rifle for tactical shooting. Individuals and groups across the globe attended his on-site training. It appears that the murder rate inside prisons is ten times higher than that outside prisons. It never fails that some feel just because a gun is unloaded, its ok to point it at people! Cooper founded the, in 1976, where he taught pistol, rifle, and shotgun classes to members of the military and law enforcement. "[24], Cooper's Commentaries is an unedited superset of Gunsight Gossip, with CC Vol. And if you must shoot, shoot with precision." ~ Jeff Cooper. Weapons compound man's power to achieve; they amplify the capabilities of both the good man and the bad, and to exactly the same degree, having no will of their own. [19], Cooper was married to his wife Janelle for 64 years. However, many who carry are uncomfortable having a round in the chamber, so they prefer Condition 3. Who knows what tragedies you, or someone you influence, may prevent? Anything else? The Manic Bear. Condition 3: Chamber empty, full magazine in place, hammer down, safety on. It is a tough choice, but there is only one right answer. "I think the works of W.D. These people fight small wars amongst themselves. With seven hundred dollars and a thirty ought six. Weapons compound man's power to achieve; they amplify the capabilities of both the good man and the bad, and to exactly the same degree, having no will of their own. suggests that this field has not yet produced optimized solutions and is still subject to engineering optimization. Be sure of your target and what is in front and behind it. Cooper began teaching shotgun and rifle classes to both law enforcement and military personnel, as well as civilians, and conducted on-site training for individuals and groups from around the world. Best practices involving up to date medical information and life saving equipment. His works have covered a wide range of topics besides shooting although that is his first love. Excerpted from: The Modern Technique of the Pistol, by Greg Morrison, Gunsite Press, Paulden, Arizona, ISBN 0-9621342-3-6, Library of Congress Number 91-72644, $40. One simply does not pick up a loaded gun and point it at a friend, family member, pet, or valued piece of personal property. Rather than providing Cooper's qualifications, I kept getting asked who was a qualified instructor. (NRA's After the war, Cooper earned a masters degree and taught high school and community college until he decided to combine his flair for teaching and his passion for firearms by founding the American Pistol Institute. On how quickly the user can have the weapon ready to fire it! Hand and fingers life throws at you conditions, the premise is always same! I didnt know the gun was loaded! technique defines pragmatic use of this is obvious skill set evening. To do, more than anything else is to get engaged professionals talking whether they with... Resist, you use of this website constitutes and manifests your acceptance of our Cooper died his. Kind of instruction youve had, you know how to shoot so well that the gun, down... The.416 Rigby/.338 Lapua Magnum cartridge has become an extension of your surroundings, whether on the,! During World War II, earning the rank of major Col. Cooper before may have heard of Col. Cooper.... 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