ohio attorney thomas renz's filing against governor mike dewine


Expands Resources and Partnership to Reclaim and Defend Ohioans Civil Liberties. Gov. Ohio Stands Up! "Air quality samples in the area of the wreckage and in nearby residential neighborhoods have consistently showed readings at points below safety screening levels for contaminants of concern. Stephen Petty, host of the Petty Podcast, is back and will be providing 4 more videos on masks in the short-term. Funding for current and future litigation efforts are only made possible through the financial contributions of Ohio Stands Up! They all either declined to comment or did not respond to messages. Your email address will not be published. Incumbent Ohio Gov. The people that are dying are vaccinated, he said on a conservative online talk show in July. This event sold out and weve held similar events around the state of Ohio with great success! at 419- 455-1585. But their participation in the hoax is still unforgivable. To date, five of the original board members remain. Obviously this would all make the case irrelevant in the long run, whether it goes to trial or not. DeWine ran with Lt. Gov. As a result, the State sees no impact from talking about fatalities and has instead begun testing more so they could tell us there are more cases., The PCR tests are generally viewed as the means of determining if a patient has COVID-19. A male employee also wrote to the CEO, confirming that the female colleague had contemporaneously told him about Renzs alleged comments and conduct, including the allegation of touching her breast. A senior Irish doctor bucks the trend by comparing C19 to the flu and condemning the official policies. Founded in April of 2020, Ohio Stands Up! Board will continue to review cases that may benefit from financial support and help facilitate fund raising to procure legal representation. To date, five of the original board members remain. You can apply divide and conquer to the political system as well. State Auditor Keith Faber was the only . DeWine said he asked Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost to file a lawsuit against the White House administration. The legislation limits DeWine's declarations of emergency to 90 days barring a legislative extension. The Governor has had a long and distinguished career in public service, focusing on protecting Ohio children and families. So I do think they may have another virus to let loose. These events were modeled after the Ohio School Psychology Association (OSPA) conferences and integrated educational and social elements and included basket raffles, 50/50 raffles, wine pulls, and merchandise sales. I just hope the trial will move fast in the right direction, towards the unquestionable truth. Dr. Jeff Barke and Dr. Mark McDonald spend time with Jason and Renee Hedges. My interpretation: He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Attached to the Ohio lawsuit was an 18-page report on the pandemic by Popper, an Ohio-based vaccine skeptic who was billed as an expert. The Make Americans Free Again leader has since become an integral figure in Renzs legal and fundraising campaigns. Then the rest of the population can remain asleep, giving away its individual power to that, while remaining hoping for the best. Cannot wait! The site urges visitors to support MAFA by buying products or memberships from Poppers program. Just two days later, residents were told that they could safely return to their homes. On July 20th, 2020, attorney Renz met my wife Renee and I at our home and we signed a fee agreement to enact a lawsuit against Mike DeWine, challenging his emergency declaration on behalf of ALL Ohioans. Ohio Stands Up! Renz also launched a nonprofit group called For God Family Country that is collecting donations for the medical freedom fight, according to the website of Renzs law firm. COLUMBUS, Ohio Ohio Gov. Other Globalist puppets like World Economic Forum and The Economist too are advocating peace instead of military conflict, resumption of businesses and reopening of educational institutions. at, Thank you to everyone that started with us, that supports our efforts, and continues standing up! "A man-made disaster of this scale, scope, and significance necessitates a response and deployment of resources that are commensurate in scale and scope. There is no reason why they, or anyone, should surrender and accept. On Monday, I wrote about Thomas Renz, the Ohio lawyer who is taking on a case for a set of plaintiffs, against Ohio Governor Mike DeWine and the state of Ohio. The credit unions CEO, Mike Barr, declined to comment, as did the board members. It is not clear how much Renzs group may have raised in 2020 or 2021. We believe that the response to COVID-19 has been the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on the American public, Renz said. But not with a virus, because viruses do not cause disease (see Stefan Lanka, Dawn Lester & David Parker, Andrew Kaufman, and Amandha Vollmer to name a few), and they can only inflate the numbers so high using fake tests and reclassification of symptoms. Governor DeWine spoke about the strength of the state and discussed the priorities contained in his Fiscal Years 2024 and 2025 executive budget. "Ohio Governor Mike DeWine spoke with officials at the White House early this morning to address the need for federal help. dr. rw, Yes, we must stand up for our rights!!!???????????????????????? He also disputed the allegations from his former colleagues. has been vetting and researching attorneys willing to litigate in Ohio and we are officially announcing our support of Mendenhall Law Group. I know Virus Hedge was one of the scam pushers since the beggining of this hoax. Several GOP state lawmakers have filed 12 articles of impeachment against Ohio Gov. In a statement sent to Fox News Digital, a FEMA spokesperson said that the agency is in communication with officials in Ohio as well as officials from the CDC and the Department of Health and Human Services "to test water and air quality, and to conduct public health assessments." has filed suit in the Northern District of Ohio Federal Court to remove Gov. is excited to announce our financial support for plaintiffs composed of students, parents, and staff from Ohio University, Bowling Green State University, and the University of Cincinnati. Sue the medical industry for the trillions they have stolen from Americans over all of this. We have since established an Ohio Stands Up! If youd like to donate to these cases that could set a good precedent for all Ohioans, please visit our website and donate directly to Ohio Stands Up! We are waking up to the fact that the COVID-19 injection is not stopping spread, Mendenhall added. Please connect with us on Facebook at, Please consider signing up for email notifications at, 11/4/21 Ohio Stands Up! ( Natural News ) Attorney Thomas Renz the attorney behind the recent whistleblower lawsuit alleging the U.S. government has proof of at least 45,000 deaths from Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines announced that he launching a weekly live program on Brighteon.TV. Wonder if these plaintiffs and their lawyer need some more money I will look into that and update what I can find. Let us know on what additional $ they may need. The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. In June of 2020, a talented, Ohio-based musician named Micah who briefly served on the board suggested the name Ohio Stands Up! and the name resonated. The more the public hates this and talks about hating it, the weaker the implementation and less justifiable. The witness, whose affidavit says she is a computer programmer, cited figures from a government database known as the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) of unverified reports of possible bad reactions to vaccinations, and claimed without presenting evidence that the true number of vaccine-related deaths was actually five times higher. files lawsuit against the State of Ohio to remove the unconstitutional emergency order "We believe that the response to COVID-19 has been the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on the American public," attorney Thomas Renz In interviews, Renz described leaders enforcing coronavirus regulations as scumbags and likened vaccine mandates to the authoritarianism of apartheid-era South Africa and Nazi Germany. Although, if this does truly open a doorway for an honest debate on science, perhaps there is still hope. The charge: DeWine has created massive damage through lockdowns and other "containment measures" designed to stop the spread of the purported coronavirus. It is absurd that people are mistreated because they choose to not get a shot. He noted that natural immunity is overlooked and it can be at least six times stronger than the vaccine. Ohio Stands Up! The ANTIGEN TEST is a basic flu antigen test which is merely the first of a three step testing protocol for the PCR test. Legal Briefs provides insights into our federal lawsuit by our attorneys in brief 2-7 minute episodes. BY THE WAY, HAS ANYONE SEEN THIS NEW DEVELOPMENT ON MAINSTREAM MEDIA?? The State of Ohio violated the U.S. Constitution with an emergency declaration that ignores the fundamental rights of all Ohioans. As awful as it may sound, I believe that preparing for the worst while hoping for the best is a sound strategy. That equals an abuse of power, and its happening at federal, state and local level and at colleges and universities. Renz said in a brief interview at a recent speaking event near St. Louis that the previously unreported allegations from the credit union employees were flatly untrue but declined to discuss them in detail, citing nondisclosure agreements. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The author of three explosive collections, COVID: Major case filed against Ohio governor and the state of Ohio for restricting freedom without legitimate justification. He has spoken of the vaccination battles as a struggle against dark forces. Once they roll out 5G at ultra high frequencies, they will have real data to justify their emergency actions. Ohio Stands Up! We need this in all 50 states. It makes it very uncomfortable to be alone in his office discussing business, she wrote. On Monday, I wrote about Thomas Renz, the Ohio lawyer who is taking on a case for a set of plaintiffs, against Ohio Governor Mike DeWine and the state of Ohio. THEY make laws that THEY dont have to adhere to! We need to become ungovernable to succeed: agree JB- Covid update: The grand Ohio legal case for our time, against kings on their thrones, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BegGXhBD4Lc&feature=emb_title, https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/rogue-chinese-virologist-joins-twitter-publishes-evidence-covid-19-created-lab, https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/20/magazine/what-if-we-worried-less-about-the-accuracy-of-coronavirus-tests.html, https://twitter.com/Liz_Wheeler/status/1302273076319543296?s=09, New Podcast: The Wizards of Is; the titanic operation to bury the creative impulse forever and never let it out into the light of day, Exit From The Matrix: The Individual returns to his Creative Fire, Exit From The Matrix: Nature of the Covert Op, Coronavirus: what real science would look like, if it existed, Selling Fearthe Epidemic Experts weigh in. In a text message to The Post, the woman declined to comment. Information is provided that will allow you to make arguments to others. All but two of the eight coronavirus-related federal lawsuits Renz has filed are in their early stages. notifications at https://www.ohiostandsup.org/. Perfect, all things considered in terms of direct action. Declining to publicly identify the purported whistleblower out of fear for her safety, Renz filed affidavits featuring her allegations in support of his lawsuits in Alabama and Michigan. Announces Financial Support for Mendenhall Law Firm Plaintiffs from Ohio University, Bowling Green State University, and University of, 12/04/2021 Ohio Stands Up! I have absolutely zero faith in judges and juries. Attorney Thomas Renz Toledo, OH - Determined to restore the Constitutional rights that have been stripped away by the State of Ohio's unjustified actions regarding COVID-19, Ohio Stands Up! Ohio Gov. The plaintiffs are not accepting the Word from the experts.. As a result of this conversation, the Governor has requested assistance from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health and Emergency Response Team, and the CDC to provide on-the-ground assistance in East Palestine," DeWine's office said in a statement on Thursday. The Post does not typically identify victims of alleged sexual harassment without their consent. Mike DeWine starts 2nd term with Ohio inauguration January 9, 2023 Popper did not respond to emails and phone messages left at her office seeking an interview. Agreed 100%, MOJO. This is very good news if somewhat belated. to continue our legal and educational pursuits for Ohioans. I hope and pray Kennedys suit wins. Renz withdrew his first federal lawsuit in March after U.S. District Judge James G. Carr of the northern District of Ohio called the suit an almost incomprehensible jumble of dubiously sourced material and asked the plaintiffs why he should not dismiss it. Click on the PDF button to open the document from Mendenhall Law Firm. Instead, they will use their fancy military technology that they have been installing in cities around the globe while people were all obediently locked in their homes afraid of everything that moved. In December of 2020, Ohio Stands Up! Gov. All that has to be done is keep an illusion going that something is being done, and hope is kept alive. If there was justice in NY, squatters wouldnt have rights. He previously viewed anti-vaccine activists as nuts, but he has come to embrace their beliefs over the past year, he said during a recent podcast interview. Children are struggling emotionally as many are forced into the continued isolation of remote learning while two income households must find solutions to manage young children at home. As a resident of Ohio, I am thrilled and proud to see folks standing up to the oppressive tyranny from our supposedly educated electorate. The employee wrote in her letter that on more than one occasion, Renz asked her to forget to lock the door to a private room where she pumped breast milk so he could watch. Renzs LinkedIn profile does not name the group but states that he was responsible for the complete restructuring of the largest grassroots national security political organization in the US, echoing ACTs description of itself. Since Mike DeWine began his first term as Governor in 2019, he's already cut taxes by $2.2 billion dollars -- which adds up to one of the largest tax cuts in Ohio history! Yes, it is bleak. As always, thank you for your continued support. DeWine repeated his call for Congress to look into how to prevent train accidents like this in the future . This case, in the current climate . Covid-19 is much less severe than the average annual flu and current draconian restrictions are no longer justified, according to a senior Health Service Executive doctor. Through our financial support, we are helping to ease the financial burden of plaintiffs seeking to challenge unconstitutional Covid policies through litigation efforts. Please connect with us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/OhioStandsUp, on MeWe at https://mewe.com/join/ohiostandsup or Twitter at https://twitter.com/OhioStandsUp. More ambiguous, misleading and insane procedures that indicate the madness and predictable confusion thats being forced on citizens. By 30, Renz was unemployed and he and his wife were saddled with about $148,000 in personal debts spread across banks, student loans and car payments, according to an April 2007 bankruptcy filing. The governor hosted . There are other cases being developed involving a variety of sectors. Even prosecuting top public health officials would not be enough to repair the damage they have done, Renz claims. This group did a tremendous job raising funds for their lawsuit! "I've been sued many times. Yes, I think it is entirely possible. While not a founding member of Ohio Stands Up!, attorney Renz has since embarked on national work and in October of 2021, Ohio Stands Up! They actually kill millions of people around the world. They are the founders of Ohio Stands Up. be made through Give Send Go or via our website. Ohio attorney, Thomas Renz, on behalf of plaintiffs, has filed a case against the state of Ohio and Governor Mike DeWine. And even if it goes to trial there is a great chance it will be closed to public and everyone present will be NDAed to keep their mouth shut. Some of the train's cars were carrying toxic chemicals, including vinyl chloride, butyl acrylate, ethylhexyl acrylate and ethylene glycol monobutyl. Ohio Gov. Cal Thomas; Scott Walker . If you are an employee, a student, or a group of individuals being discriminated against, please feel free to contact Ohio Stands Up! While not a founding member of Ohio Stands Up!, attorney Renz has since embarked on national work and in October of 2021, Ohio Stands Up! The suits generally deny or play down the severity of the pandemic. Gene J. Puskar / AP Photo. Each episode covers a single topic including learning about our lawsuit evidence, legal arguments and strategy. Because as we all know: Money is all that matters to them. We want to thank those who donate to Ohio Stands Up! www.OhioStandsUp.org | info@OhioStandsUp.org. One of the things we have seen across the country is exactly what we are pointing out in this lawsuit, that authorities are stepping outside the bounds of their authority, Mendenhall said. Ohio Stands Up! Ohio Governor Mike DeWine, right, prepares to meet with reporters after touring the Norfolk and Southern train derailment site in East Palestine, Ohio, Monday, Feb. 6, 2023. Just need to copy-paste the arguments and send it in every state as model. Is there any reason it would not go to trial? United together we can continue growing our movement to educate on the reality of COVID-19 while working to restore freedoms for all freedom-loving people. 12/14/2021 Ohio Stands Up! The entire U.S. economy was shut down based on fraudulent models that predicted 2.2 million American deaths, Renz said. O n the afternoon of March 3, 2020, Governor Mike DeWine stepped to a lectern inside the Ohio statehouse to announce his most difficult pandemic decision. Many Ohioans were unable to get treatment for conditions not related to COVID-19 because hospitals were closed to accommodate the rush of COVID-19 patients who never arrived. Last week, DeWine's office announced that residents living near the derailed train were required to evacuate as Norfolk Southern executed a "controlled release of the vinyl chloride" in an effort to "alleviate the risk of uncontrollable shrapnel from an explosion.". Micah also provided the website domain. be made through our website at, Ohio Stands Up! https://twitter.com/Liz_Wheeler/status/1302273076319543296?s=09, An email I received from a well researched article, Why a COVID-19 Vaccine Likely Wont Happen Anytime Soon, https://www.coreysdigs.com/opinion/why-a-covid-19-vaccine-likely-wont-happen-anytime-soon-if-at-all/. And Ive heard thats the plan. US Courts have almost totally rolled over in the face of the Covid terror attack; two losses in US Supreme re restrictions on places of worship; 5-4 the deep states bought and paid for guy Roberts being the deciding vote. In the 1890s, Hanna led the conservative wing of the party against Theodore Roosevelt 's progressive movement. Join our email list. Renz is asking for a jury trial. I have emailed notice of this court filing to the Mayor of my hometown and an Ohio State Senator, both Democrats. Ohio Stands Up! This ripoff taxation state needs to stand trial for the same crimes. We believe any infringement on our right to bodily autonomy and medical freedom is a direct threat to our way of life AND our right to choose what's best for us and our families. For 40 years, Mike DeWine rose steadily if blandly up the ladder of Ohio politics, finally landing his dream job as governor. is excited to announce the release of our Video Resource Library on our website! No, I dont wish for any of this. As a result, millions of Ohioans are suffering financially, physically, and mentally.. Asked about the passages, Renz said in his email: We do our very best to cite everything properly but I do not have a huge team of attorneys and paralegals on this.. is a 501(c)(4) advocacy organization comprised of God-fearing, patriotic volunteers from Ohio. The CDC, governor, and ODH [Ohio Department of Health] know this so they have allowed for the diagnosis of cases based on as meaningless criteria as a cough in a community in which COVID supposedly exists., Plow through this quote and then receive the translation below: Another document also came to light that is critical in demonstrating the egregiously misleading nature of the public COVID-19 data. & Mendenhall Law Firm share the Ohio University and Smuckers lawsuit. I believe this is a fight for good and evil, he said in another podcast interview in August. donations also helped fund a portion of this much needed suit. Thomas Renz, an attorney from Ohio who attended the recent Health and Freedom Conference in Tulsa, Okla., is suing both the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for lying about the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). board, my wife and I paid a $500 consultation fee to a law firm in Cincinnati hoping they would join our fight. Recently, the CDC confirmed that 94 percent of the deaths attributed to the virus were from people who had as many as two to three other serious illnesses. Mendenhall Law is seeking to challenge other universities who are implementing similar policies. September 15, 2021 / 3:07 AM / CBS Pittsburgh. DeWine, 75, is a fixture of the state's Republican establishment whose leadership in the early days of the pandemic earned admiration from independents and Democrats. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BegGXhBD4Lc&feature=emb_title (8 minutes) Ive been elevated to a position I probably dont deserve as a leader in this globally, and its because Ive been willing to fight, he told an interviewer in August. Renz did not address questions from The Post about his LinkedIn profile, his work at ACT or his departure. Allen did not offer details or respond to further questions. Mike DeWine's coronavirus response . As he says in this interview, the agenda that is playing out right before our very eyes was put in place many decades ago, you could argue many centuries ago. Senator from 1995 to 2007 and, most recently, Ohio's attorney general from 2011 to 2019. Wondering the same. Announces Financial Support for Mendenhall Law Firm Plaintiffs from Ohio University, Bowling Green State University, and University ofCincinnati! In a book about covid-19 published in April, Popper claimed that the pandemic was a hoax inflicted on the public by elite enemies of the people.. Ohio attorney, Thomas Renz, on behalf of plaintiffs, has filed a case against the state of Ohio and Governor Mike DeWine. In one case, Renz demanded a trial without any coronavirus precautions in case they would bias a jury. Oh. Ohio Stands Up! Renz told The Post: With all due respect to Judge Carr, we disagree with his assessment.. Health-care workers are required to report deaths of people following vaccinations to the database even when its unclear whether the vaccine was a cause, according to federal rules. is a 501(c)(4) community-based legal advocacy organization comprised of God-fearing, patriotic volunteers from across Ohio. Mike DeWine said Tuesday he hopes charges against Evan Lambert, the NewsNation reporter who was arrested during DeWine's press conference last week, will be dropped. to continue our legal and educational pursuits for Ohioans. Renz did not respond to questions about the exam. Renz did not respond to a question about his work on the transcript. With a rough draft Ohio Stands Up! Thats right. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. Founded in April of 2020, Ohio Stands Up! is proud to stand up and stand with, parents, students, and employees who are taking a stand against unprecedented discriminatory policies and, coercive tactics being employed by university administrations. at 419- 455-1585. taking them to court is as good as nothing, even worse, as the courts only render and enforce an outcome to its liking. Ohio Stands Up! I saw the value of challenging the COVID-19 narrative and I obliged. COLUMBUS, Ohio (WCMH) Republican incumbents Mike DeWine and Jon Husted are projected to serve a second term as governor and lieutenant governor of Ohio . Especially because the cases main argument, that the State is basing their actions on an Emergency that is completely unsupported by the data, will be a moot point. board will be reviewing cases that may benefit from financial support and help facilitate fund raising to procure legal representation. Mike DeWine's veto of legislation to rein in his administration's coronavirus powers. That suit was filed on August 31st, 2020, and was subsequently withdrawn in March of 2021, as Mike DeWine, in predictable fashion, withdrew the emergency declaration rendering the lawsuit inert. . Renz brought the Alabama suit on behalf of Americas Frontline Doctors, a conservative-backed campaign group that has fought government efforts to contain the pandemic. This is about an entire global control grid that has been in the making for centuries, and only now do they actually possess all the technology necessary to make it a reality. and sign up for email notifications at https://www.ohiostandsup.org/. The suit was funded by anti-vaccine activists who formed a group called Ohio Stands Up!, according to the news release. Renz frequently stresses his humble roots while also embracing his newfound role in the international anti-vaccination movement. is excited to share the latest information regarding the University of Cincinnati lawsuit. partnered with Akron-based law firm, Mendenhall Law Group. Attorney Renz, for the plaintiffs, is well aware of this, and his filing is studded with bold and accurate claims of fact: According to recent data from the Ohio COVID-19 Dashboard, we can see that the spike in cases is actually just a spike in testing. You can read the full text of . We desperately need financial support. is proud to announce that this small firm in Akron, Ohio is dedicated to representing and litigating cases involving unconstitutional COVID policies impacting Ohioans. Mike DeWine was once again in East Palestine following a fiery . https://www.oann.com/ucla-stanford-study-finds-for-average-50-64-year-old-chances-of-dying-from-covid-19-are-1-in-19-1m/. We can only do this with your help. Amid the ongoing response to the train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, some have questioned why the state has not yet received assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Obviously, I deny that. Subscribe below so that we can be certain to reach you in the event that social media removes our online presence completely. Andrea: Im trying to think along the positive line of WHEN it goes to trial! Renz defended that language in his email to The Post. 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ohio attorney thomas renz's filing against governor mike dewine

ohio attorney thomas renz's filing against governor mike dewine