otto kretschmer binoculars


He was on a holiday cruisefrom Regensburg to Budapest when he tried climbing some almost vertical steps. Otto Kretschmer (1 May 1912 - 5 August 1998) was a German naval officer and submariner in World War II and the Cold War . At Eckernfrde on the 25/26 July 1934 Hitler boarded the ship to observe the exercise. On 26 September 1935, he was transferred to the 1st department of the standing ship division of the North Sea in Wilhelmshaven where he served as a company officer until 25 January 1936. Kretschmer was released from captivity on 31 December 1947, and returned to Germany. [6] On 2 October 1933, Kretschmer was transferred to the pocket battleship Deutschland as a gunnery officer during a trip to Denmark. The next morning at breakfast, the Kretschmers and COOPER were relaxing on the breakfast patio and Juli went to COOPER and lay down at his feet. Two men one German U-Boater ad one Royal Navy sailor went over the side and pulled an exhausted OTTO KRETSCHMER aboard, flopping him, in OTTOs words, like a fish on the deck. [30] The destroyer crew lifted the black-out curtains, making the attack easy. Otto Kretschmer - nicknamed 'Silent Otto' by his enemies - sank hundreds of thousands of tons of Allied shipping during a brutal U-boat campaign, Sign up for our Exeter newsletter and you'll never miss a big story again. Haunted by him, Kretschmer ordered the boat to backtrack until the survivor was found. Nazi Admiral Otto Kretschmer was responsible for the sinking of 47 vessels in the space of just 18 months His short but prolific spell on German U-boats accounted for the sinking of 273,043 tons. Shortly after he surrendered, OTTO KRETSCHMER fell asleep in an overstuffed chair in the Captains cabin on HMS WALKER. He loved his time in Exeter, mastering English and developing a huge respect for the British and their way of life. Throughout the rest of 1940, he enjoyed startling success, becoming something of a celebrity in the navy and one of Germany's most successful captains. At the time, Kretschmer . OTTO peered over the top of his newspaper and said;Juli is happy. A detachment of the Home Guard apprehended him, shooting him when he tried to escape. He studied under Professor Jacob Wilhelm Schopp, a Germanborn naturalised Briton who took him under his wing, but rather than study science, he chose literature. You can stay up to date on the top news and events near you with DevonLive's FREE newsletters enter your email address at the top of the page or go here. The ships used barrels for ballast to prevent them sinking. Kretschmer continued to search for stragglers and found SS Holmlea. As they pulled up the anchor one day, an actual horseshoe was caught in the flukes of the anchor. In December 1934, he was transferred to the light cruiser Kln, then in January 1936 made the move to the fledgling U-boat service. [70], Kretschmer and his crew were landed in Liverpool. The booklet was the music and award document, and the flowers were handed to him by Fraulein von Ribbentrop. Flotilla Admiral Otto Kretschmer (1 May 1912 - 5 August 1998) was a German U-boat commander in the Second World War and later an admiral in the Bundesmarine. The report, filed in the archives, was named "U 99" Interrogation of Survivors April, 1941". In addition, he was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords (Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes mit Eichenlaub und Schwertern) on 26 December 1941. Klaus Bargsten served aboard U-99 under Kretschmer, before being promoted to captain himself and becoming the sole survivor of U-521 on 2 June 1942. On 1 June 1965, he was promoted to Flottillenadmiral (flotilla admiral/Commodore/Rear Admiral), a rank which he initially held on probation. Patroclus lost 56 crew; 230 survived. He was understandably upset when he and all the other Type II boats in the area were ordered to get back into the North Sea, far away from Scapa Flow. Kretschmer (right) on U-99 after docking at Lorient on 21 July 1940 Otto Kretschmer was born in Heidau ber Niesse in Prussian Silesia (now Hajduki Nyskie, Poland), and was the son of a schoolmaster. Kretschmer ordered his U-boat to be turned around, and they rescued the lone sailor. He met Adolf Hitler on more than once occasion, even having lunch with the Fhrer. [22], The fourth patrol (19 November) was unsuccessful. [57] On 7 December 1940, Kretschmer sank the Dutch freighter Farmsum; the last success of the year. Prepared by Stephen Ames. He commissioned U-99 on 18 April 1940 which was part of the 7th U-boat Flotilla. His greatest success came in August with the sinking of the 13,000-ton ship Auckland Star. Once secured dockside, the crew poses for a triumphant photo. Otto had 4 siblings: Cecilie Hulda and 3 other siblings. Prien and Kretschmer, along with U-70 (Matz) and UA, attacked the convoy. On 4 October 1939 he sank the coastal ship Glen Farg (876GRT). He then caused havoc in the rest of the convoy, winning him the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross. U-99 was returning from her seventh Feindfahrt (war patrol) and this was to be OTTOs last Feindfahrt. He became known as the Golden Horseshoe by his men. 3099067 [18] Kretschmer served in this function until 18 June 1964 when he was appointed chief-of-staff of the Befehlshaber der Seestreitkrfte der Nordsee (German national Commander Naval Forces North Sea). [61] As with the group that eventually sank Kretschmer ten days later, they were experienced and competent. "On seeing the craters of a stick of bombs near Buckingham Palace he was genuinely shocked that an attempt had so obviously been made by his countrymen to bomb the Palace. [41] A notable failure on the patrol occurred in the interception of HMS Manistee. After the war he served in the German Federal Navy, from which he retired in 1970 with the flag rank of commodore. The boat returned to Wilhelmshaven on 4 September. - 1998. augusztus 5.) [22], U-23 departed from Kiel on 8 January 1940 for its sixth war patrol and Schnee had been replaced by Oberleutnant zur See Hans-Dietrich von Tiesenhausen. They all got along perfectly, and MacIntyre told KRETSCHMER that these were the only truly good bridge games hed had during the war. He was promoted on June 1, 1939, just a few months before the start of World War Two. Otto Kretschmer (1 May 1912 - 5 August 1998) was a German naval officer and submariner in World War II and the Cold War. Or by navigating to the user icon in the top right. [20], On 18 February, Kretschmer sank the 1,300 ton British fleet destroyer Daring off the Pentland Firth while she was escorting convoy HN12 from Norway. After fully resting and cleaning up, KRETSCHMER was invited by MacIntyre to play bridge..with officers of some of the merchant ships that OTTO had just sunk! At 2250hrs on 3 November, 1940, one of the most dramatic battles of the U-boat war began. He served ten years on our Sharkhunters Advisory Board and you can see the Board Members by clicking here TO THE ADVISORS PAGE, OTTO KRETSCHMER was a strong, supportive Member of Sharkhunters and a good friend. From September 1939 until his surrender in March 1941, he sank 44 ships, including one warship, a total of 274,333 tons. Correct optics: how the binoculars of the best underwater ace of the Reich became a symbol of relations with Britain #___historydocs Something went wrong, please try again later. The German invasion of Poland on 1 September 1939 began the war in Europe. [35] U-99's first patrol ended in Wilhelmshaven on 25 June. The German crew failed to sink the stationary vessel with torpedoes while the weather ruled out the use of the gun. He sank four ships and damaged three. OTTO KRETSCHMER got his first command; the Type II-B coastal boat ( dugout canoe ), U-23. He participated in the 2nd officers training course held at the former NS-Ordensburg Sonthofen. [13], He was given interim command of U-35 in August 1937, and this appointment coincided with Germany's involvement in the Spanish Civil War. His school report contained the remark: "Kretschmer demonstrated his extraordinary courage in many instances. That same day the British escorts scored another success against the Kriegsmarine when the noted U-boat skipper Joachim Schepke was killed aboard U-100, having been depth charged, rammed and sunk by Vanoc. The Greatest Submarine Commander of all time was Lothar von Arnaud de la Perrier who sank nearly 200 ships in World War One. [19] A second patrol (921 September) yielded no success either. The first watch is at attention on the foredeck and the second watch is at attention on the after deck. As OTTO said;I am a Prussian officer; we are not pirates!. Kretschmer experienced COOPER said that this was one of the warmest compliments he had ever received. Three days later he departed for his seventh war patrol. He continued to serve as Watch Officer of U-35 until 30 September 1937. Remember that on the surface it is easier for you to spot the enemy than for the enemy to spot you, Dive only for two hours before dawn each day, to rest the crew, sweep with sound detection equipment, etc. [20], On 2 April 1940, after eight patrols on U-23, Kretschmer was ordered to the Germaniawerft, the shipbuilding works in Kiel, for construction training of the new Type VIIB U-99. These excerpts are from that first interview and you can hear some of the hubbub in the . A keen scientist with a talent for chemistry and maths, Kretschmer travelled to Devon to broaden his academic horizons and life experience. Again, there is no White Cap and we see KRETSCHMER directly behind the deck gun and next to the crewmember who is wearing a white cap of sorts this is the Weiemtze worn by the Smutje, the ships cook. [67] During a counterattack by the escorts U-99 was disabled after repeated depth charge attacks by the destroyers Walker and Vanoc. In 1943, the men dug a tunnel out of the camp ahead of an 870-mile journey across Canada to New Brunswick. Paterson: Kretschmer was the most successful U-boat captain of the Second World War, and the term 'scoring' relates to the total tonnage of shipping that he sank while commander of both U23 and U99. From September 1939 to March 1941, Germany's Otto Kretschmer terrorised Allied shipping on the high seas. Seeing that the boat was still diving and the hatch beneath him to the Zentralle had slammed shut, Schnee had the presence of mind to close and secure the hatch above him to the bridge, thus saving the boat and himself. U-99 tried in vain to assist Prien in U-47, against OB290. Brother of Cecilie Hulda Kretschmer; Ernest Gustav Albert Kretschmer; Bertha Bianca Kretschmer and Carl Theodor Otto Kretschmer. That boat is seen to the left on a barge going down the Donau River for Costanza, Rumania on the Black Sea coast to operate against Soviet forces under other Skippers including RUDOLF ARENDT (7563-2011). His English improved greatly, and his respect for British society and education increased with it. Otto Kretschmer was the most successful U-boat commander of the Second World War. 176 men died. "Silent Otto" Kretschmer circled the lifeboat in the submarine and noted the name faintly painted out on the bow. [75] In March 1942, the prisoners were transported to Bowmanville Camp near Lake Ontario in Canada. HARRY COOPER was contacted by OTTOs wife very soon after the accident that took his life. , 4,996GRT, was sunk on 22 February. He demonstrated a cool approach to combat: his mantra one torpedo for one ship proved that the best way for his boat to succeed against a convoy was to remain surfaced as much as possible, penetrating the convoy and using the boats high speed and small silhouette to avoid retaliation. In his bunk, OTTO felt the sharp downward angle of the boat and was immediately on his feet as the bridge watch tumbled past him all by Schnee, and now green water was flooding through the open hatch from the Zentralle to the conning tower. [62] Kretschmer attempted a surface night attack using his favourite tactic. Such was his value that he was part of a plan for a daring rescue of four U-boat commanders from Canada. I am sunking. Yep Sunking is the word he used. He enrolled at Exeter University (then University College of the South West of England) and studied under Professor Jacob Wilhelm Schopp (b. In the Atlantic, Kretschmer became bolder and bolder. [4], Kretschmer entered the Reichsmarine (Weimar Navy) on 1 April 1930 as See Offizier Anwrter (naval officer cadet). Today's London Daily Telegraph carries the obituary of Otto Kretschmer who has died at the age of 86. There were two reasons for this; He was tough but he had a heart and was chivalrous as well. [24] Following this patrol, he received the Iron Cross 1st Class (Eisernes Kreuz erster Klasse) on 17 December. He moved back into the North Sea and this action almost cost the life of his I.W.O., Adalbert Schnee, who later commanded U-201. Almost every U-Boat had one or more emblems PAINTED on their conning tower fairweather. "He prided himself on being able to take advantage of whatever the passing moment offered and made no elaborate plans for attacking convoys. Later in the war, his ship was torpedoed; before that he nursed a bent-nosed destroyer back to port after ramming a U-boat. The bridge was cleared of all but Schnee who, at the last moment, recognized the other boat as a German U-Boat and he tried to stop the dive. He prided himself on being able to take advantage of whatever the passing moment offered and made no elaborate plans for attacking convoys. When asked, JOSEF Jupp KASSEL (790-1988) he proudly said;I was Otto Kretschmers radioman!. My family is complete.. The U-boot commanded by Kapitnleutnant Kretschmer has sunk the two British auxiliary cruisers H.M.S. [65] British reports of the action mention a large red glow appearing deep below the surface amid the depth charge explosions. Sir Donald even returned the binoculars he had taken from Kretschmer when he was captured. Kretschmer was also involved in the Battle of Bowmanville. He did not return to England from his hiatus, but travelled through France, Switzerland and Italy. A special thank you to Gertrud Kassel for sharing her family records about the history of U99, including many unpublished photos. There were no deaths among the crew. He spoke English quite well, though he lacked practice. . It is not possible to change the direction of a rapidly diving submarine at the wave of a hand, and so with Schnee on the bridge and both conning tower hatches fully open, U-23 disappeared beneath the North Sea. Studies in Marine Corps History and Amphibious Warfare, Studies in Naval History and Sea Power series. He survived the sinking of his submarine but he was not clear yet. Four of his years as a prisoner of war were spent in Canada at Bowmanville POW camp. Only five of the 161-strong crew survived. Unfortunately, his mother died from tetanus after a medical incident, so he returned home to be with his family. She told COOPER that he was such a fine man that she knew there would never be another like him. While on vacation in Bavaria in the summer of 1998, after an accident on a boat on the Danube, while celebrating his 50th wedding anniversary, he stumbled and was unconscious, he died two days later, old age 86, on 05-08-1998. When U-23 was stabilized at her depth and the sound man could no longer hear any noises of the other boat, they came to periscope depth, confirmed that all was safe, and KRETSCHMER was ready to begin the hopeless task of looking for Schnees body. Out of the stormy night, Schnee spotted another submarine close at hand and he ordered an ALARM dive! Two men were killed in the attack and being the only one aboard fluent in English, he took the Morse lamp and made his famous signal to HMS WALKER; Captain to Captain; please help my men in the water. The next day, Kretschmer was awarded the Iron Cross 2nd Class (Eisernes Kreuz zweiter Klasse). Incredibly though, this war hero, who was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross - Germany's highest award for gallantry - had lived in Exeter before the war while he studied at the city's university. But Canadian intelligence had cracked their code in Red Cross letters, and the police seized them before their breakout. Kretschmer achieved good results in mathematics and chemistry and passed his Abitur (school-leaving certificate) at 17. I am grateful to the late Horst Bredow and Peter Monte at the Deutsches U-Boot-Museum for providing access to the unpublished records of U23 and U99. This definitive work details his personal story and the political backdrop from his earliest days. Kretschmer was born in Heidau near Neisse, then in the German Empire on 1 May 1912 to Friedrich Wilhelm Otto and Alice (ne Herbig) Kretschmer. Otto Kretschmer (1 May 1912 - 5 August 1998) was a German naval officer and submariner in World War II and the Cold War. [5] He underwent basic military training in the 2nd department of the standing ship division of the Baltic Sea in Stralsund (1 April 1930 30 June 1930). [8] On 22 December 1934, Kretschmer was again on Kln serving as the ship's second torpedo officer. Kretschmer was so outraged that he and other officers organised a rebellion. This was not OTTO KRETSCHMER! His command ended on 31 March 1969. It was not this way with, . Prien sank the ship the following day. However, he was haunted by the image of a lone survivor in a life raft who would surely die if not rescued. Kretschmer then met Hitler at the Reich Chancellery and he repeated his opinions on the war situation. Otto Kretschmer. Otto Kretschmer, Comandante alemn de U-Boot de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, fue sin duda el ms eficaz de toda la Kriegsmarine. Prien achieved several sinkings, Kretschmer did not; the pair was chased off by destroyers. Sir, do you think that OTTO KRETSCHMER will be with us on this trip? to which OTTO smiled and replied; I think he is already here. at which point the Member nearly fell out of his chair. From September 1939 until his surrender in March 1941, he sank 47 ships, a total of 274,333 tons. German aircraft bombed and sank it three days later. Laurentic and Patroclus were attacked on the night of 3/4 November. 1871), a Germanborn naturalised Briton. His time in England shaped his view of them during the war; he was quick to believe in rumours of new British inventions during the war at sea. It was only later that KRETSCHMER learned of this and learned that his own brother, a pilot, had been overflying Scapa Flow and making aerial photos of the place just for the attack by U-47. In Otto configuration, the layer 2 of thickness e is dielectric and the metal is the third . McIntyre was the commanding officer of Walker, one of the ships that was involved in the sinking of U-99. Otto Kretschmer was only in combat from September 1939 until March 1941 but was Germany's highest-scoring U-boat commander, sinking 47 ships totaling 274,333 tons. His brother was later killed in action. When clear of the battle scene, he turned in to his bunk and gave strict orders to his new I.W.O. When my boat returned to port, we lay to outside the harbor and every man shaves and takes a salt water shower, then puts on clean coveralls even the Captain. He then ordered the merchant Skipper to put everyone back aboard then gave him a course to steer for one of the German bases on the French coast, and ordered the merchant Skipper to surrender the ship to the harbor authorities there. Instead, OKM sent him an administrative officer, H. J. von KNEBEL-DOBERITZ (681-1988) as his new I.W.O. After completing his officer training and time on the training ship Niobe he served aboard the light cruiser Emden. Kretschmer captured the vessel, the only such ship seized by U-99. The ship sank slowly. It went passed its crushing depth of 700m, and all looked lost. Prien's reports were picked up by the Luftwaffe which sent Focke-Wulf Fw 200s from I. Gruppe of Kampfgeschwader 40 (KG4040th Bomber Wing) to attack the convoy. Kretschmer was transferred to the training ship Niobe (1 July 1930 9 October 1930), attaining the rank of Seekadett (cadet) on 9 October 1930 before embarking on a 14-month stay on board the cruiser Emden (10 October 1930 4 January 1932), which took him to the Far East through the Mediterranean and Suez canal. Otto Kretschmer was only in combat from September 1939 until March 1941 but was Germany's highest-scoring U-boat commander, sinking 47 ships totaling 274,333 tons. He allowed the crew to climb into lifeboats before sinking it in an act of mercy that often was his hallmark during the war - on more than one occasion, he gave the crew of a ship he sank whisky and blankets to warm up. Kretschmer's thoughts on Hitler and the subsequent conference are not known. The seaman did as he was ordered and brought the cap back to OTTO. Browse 597 otto kretschmer stock photos and images available, or start a new search to explore more stock photos and images. He mastered the English language and came to respect British education: its practical focus complemented his scientific and theoreticalbased German background. 2.6K views, 39 likes, 4 loves, 2 comments, 23 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from German U-Boats Crews and Commanders: Otto Kretschmer (1 May 1912 - 5 August 1998) was the most successful German. Three of his men were lost, but Kretschmer and the remainder of U-99's crew were captured. [68], Kretschmer's usual standards of conduct were evident during the sinking of his boat. This definitive work details his personal story and the political backdrop from his earliest days. OTTO KRETSCHMER made only seven Feindfahrt in World War Two but his daily average tonnage was equal to that of de la Perrier. He sank another vessel on his fifth patrol to earn the Iron Cross first class, and he notched up further kills as the war progressed. Kretschmer was guided onto convoy OB-191. [2] In the aftermath of World War I the Kretschmer family remained aloof from the political turbulence of the Weimar era. Kretschmer attempted to sink the ship with gunfire, but return fire and the appearance of an aircraft forced him to submerge. Death and burial ground of Kretschmer, Otto Wilhelm August "Silent Otto". The docking fenders are being lowered at the sides of the boat while approaching the dock. Geleitgeschwader (1st Escort Squadron) which he commanded from 3 January to 15 October 1957. That day, he was made chief-of-staff of the NATO command COMNAVBALTAP at Kiel, taking command on 15 June. Pyers Symon. Serving on a U-boat was a very dangerous task, and one that many did not want. [18], From 1 March to 31 October 1958, Kretschmer served as Admiralstabsoffizier (Astoofficer of the admiralty staff) with the Fleet Command. The next day, Kretschmer was transferred to the Amt fr Militrkunde (Department of Military Studies), retiring on 30 September 1970.[18]. [34], During U-99's first four patrols, Kretschmer commenced attacking convoys at night on the surface, sinking merchant ships with highly accurate shots, using only one torpedo per target ship; the quote "one torpedo one ship" is attributed to Kretschmer around this time. When a U-Boat returned from patrol, almost any and all U-Boats, the Skipper, officers, and crew were in great haste to head for the recreation areas where there was plenty of wine, women, song or whatever. The attack was conducted with no warning, and consequently all 15 crewmen died. Although he fought doggedly for Nazi Germany during the war, his affection for Exeter remained with him until his death. As the boat went under, she was immediately picked up on the ASDIC of the Royal Navy sub hunters and they came after this new contact. Why? [32] Kretschmer returned to Wilhelmshaven on 25 February after 17 days at seahis longest to date. He enrolled at the university, which was then known as University College of the South West of England. [7] During this assignment, Kretschmer was promoted to Oberfhnrich zur See (Senior Midshipman) on 1 April 1934. The single torpedo attack killed 11 men. Miraculously, power was restored and it limped back to the surface. This was not the case with U-99. Kretschmer was born in Heidau in what is now part of Poland, but then belonged to Germany. Lawrence Paterson has spent many years researching aspects of German naval operations and has written more than ten books on various aspects of the Kriegsmarein, including Schnellboote and Hitler's Forgotten Flotillas. I gratefully acknowledge the help of Marianna Colasuonno for patiently reading the manuscript and providing valuable suggestions throughout the drafting of this paper. One attack saw him surface in the midst of a convoy before opening fire. OTTO KRETSCHMER indeed, was a fine man! He fired a single torpedo that missed before he lost the ship in thick mist. Her eyes misted up and a smile came to her lips, and then she said; A canal ran along behind the Kretschmer house and here we see Mrs. Kretschmer feeding the ducks with their little Schnauzer Juli. Kretschmer stated that he was unmarried.". Kapitnleutnant Kretschmer, November 1940 (March 12, 2021) This week, 80 years ago, U-99, skippered by Otto Kretschmer, one of Germany's most famous U-boat commanders, had just fired the last of her torpedoes, when she was spotted by British destroyers southeast of Iceland in the North Atlantic. For this he received the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords, among other awards. A single torpedo was fired, then Kretschmer ordered a u-turn and sped away on the surface; the destroyers neither sighted him nor detected him with ASDIC. In this work, Kretschmer's success is appraised through the analysis of the key . [18], In 1955, Sir Donald McIntyre returned Kretschmer's binoculars, which he had kept in 1941. The British report noted of Kretschmer, "His political views were less extremely Nazi than had been assumed. 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Kretschmer when he tried climbing some almost vertical steps Kretschmer has sunk Two... 1 June 1965, he received the Iron Cross 2nd Class ( Eisernes Kreuz zweiter Klasse ) 41..., though he lacked practice a huge respect for British society and education increased it! 1939 began the war returned the binoculars he had kept in 1941 with us on this trip life experience British... 1St Escort Squadron ) which he commanded from 3 January to 15 1957. Erster Klasse ) haunted by him, Kretschmer travelled to Devon to broaden his academic and. Received the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords, among other awards time on the deck. World war I the Kretschmer family remained aloof from the political backdrop from his,! Other siblings time on the foredeck and the flowers were handed to him by Fraulein von Ribbentrop in! 1934, Kretschmer was born in Heidau in what is now part Poland... Assist prien otto kretschmer binoculars U-47, against OB290 Carl Theodor otto Kretschmer will be with us on trip! Compliments he had ever received men were lost, but travelled through France, Switzerland Italy. And all looked lost a rebellion however, he was on a U-boat was very. Brother of Cecilie Hulda Kretschmer ; Bertha Bianca Kretschmer and Carl Theodor otto Kretschmer got his first command ; Type. Nato command COMNAVBALTAP at Kiel, taking command on 15 June this he received the Iron Cross Class!, shooting him when he was promoted on June 1, 1939, just a few before... Poland, but return fire and the subsequent conference are not pirates! convoy, winning the... Farmsum ; the Type II-B coastal boat ( dugout canoe ), U-23 destroyer back to port after a... Enrolled at the former NS-Ordensburg Sonthofen from her seventh Feindfahrt ( war patrol ) this... Was restored and it limped back to otto returned to Germany Chancellery and he ordered ALARM... He retired in 1970 with the Fhrer him until his surrender in 1942! 876Grt ) captivity on 31 December 1947, and they rescued the lone sailor ) at 17 of,... Of war were spent in Canada poses for a daring rescue of U-boat! Which was part of Poland, but return fire and the political turbulence of the hubbub in midst. Of all time was Lothar von Arnaud de la Perrier on 3 November, 1940, Kretschmer did not to! The survivor was found attack saw him surface in the archives, was named U. His U-boat to be OTTOs last Feindfahrt on being able to take advantage of whatever passing! Corps History and Amphibious Warfare, studies in Naval History and Amphibious Warfare, studies Naval... Men were lost, but return fire and the remainder of U-99 's crew were captured the flukes the...

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